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Thinking Like a Man Tadano Makuzu
B. Gramlich-Oka Wydawnictwo: brak danych

In her political treatise, "Hitori kangae" ("Solitary Thoughts", 1818), Tadano Makuzu (1763-1825) presents her observations and critiques of the intellectual and socio-political landscapes... czytaj dalej

Literature of Weimar Classicism v 7
Richter Wydawnictwo: brak danych

In Germany, Weimar Classicism (roughly the period from Goethe's return to Germany from Italy in 1788 to the death of his friend and collaborator Schiller in 1805) is widely regarded as an apogee of literary... czytaj dalej

Sports in Society
Coakley Wydawnictwo: angielskie

"Sports in Society" is the definitive text for the sport sociology course. Taking a global, issues-oriented approach to the study of the role of sport in society, this text encourages the discussion... czytaj dalej

Williams Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Television: Technology and Cultural Form was first published in 1974, long before the dawn of multi-channel TV, or the reality and celebrity shows that now pack the schedules. Yet Williams' analysis of television's... czytaj dalej

Social Movements 4 vols
Jasper Wydawnictwo: angielskie

A social movement is a collective, organized, sustained and non-institutional challenge to authorities, power holders, or cultural beliefs and practices. In the modern world, social movements are one of the... czytaj dalej

Crisis of Islam
Lewis Wydawnictwo: angielskie

President Bush has made it clear that we are engaged in a war against terrorism. But for Usama bin Laden and his followers this is religious war, a war for Islam against infidels, especially the United States... czytaj dalej

Humanity Terrorism Terrorist War Palestine 9-11 Iraq 7-7
T. Honderich Wydawnictwo: inne

'With large questions of right and wrong, there is a division of labour. So, with the attack on three subway trains and a bus in London on July 7, 2005. Of what moral relevance, if any, was the fact that the... czytaj dalej

World News Prism
W. Hachten Wydawnictwo: brak danych

Written in a pithy and accessible style, this classic book brings readers up to date on major global news events. The seventh edition of this enduring text provides insights into the war on terrorism; war in... czytaj dalej

European Company & Financial Law
K. Hopt Wydawnictwo: angielskie

As with previous editions, this fouth edition of European Company and Financial Law features the full text of every piece of adopted European legislation affecting companies and the financial sector, including... czytaj dalej

Mass Media & American Politics
Graber Wydawnictwo: brak danych

An ideal core text, Graber's trusted and balanced volume explores the foundations of the American mass media system. Focussing on political and technological developments, the book shows students how both the... czytaj dalej