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This exciting collection of papers represents some of the finest communications research published over the last decade. To mark the 20th anniversary of the European Journal of Communication, a leading international... czytaj dalej
This book provides a detailed analysis of the security policies of all of the great powers and medium powers in the G8 and 1 (USA, China, Russia, UK, France, Germany, Canada, Japan, Italy). Emil Kirchner and... czytaj dalej
Książka ta jest o niedojrzałości. Racja dojrzałości w kulturze przestniała istnieć, preferowana jest natomiast ironia, dystans.Niedojrzałość - to postmodernizm po polsku, to nowa kondycja jednostki i całej kultury.... czytaj dalej
Why do empires decline? And why do some - including perhaps the former Soviet empire - collapse and revive? A leading political scientist examines the nature, theory, and continuing contemporary relevance of... czytaj dalej
This is the first analysis in any language of the religious, philosophical and folkloristic content of Ibn Washiyya's (d. 931) "Nabatean Agriculture".This enigmatic book, said to have been translated... czytaj dalej
In ein in Jahrmilliarden entstandenes Ökosystem trat vor einigen zehntausend Jahren der Mensch ein und hat wie kein anderer Organismus vor ihm das Bild der Erde radikal verändert. Wie sieht heute die Zukunft... czytaj dalej
This book confronts both the maritime security challenges and responses. In Southeast Asia, maritime security has, over the last twenty years, taken on a much greater importance, due to the Law of the Sea convention... czytaj dalej
This fully revised and expanded edition provides year-by-year coverage of events in American history, covering such things as international events; business and industry; transportation; science and medicine;... czytaj dalej
Based on extensive research using both official and unofficial information from Poland and interviews with Solidarity activists, this book shows how the trials constituted an attempt to break the back of Solidarity... czytaj dalej
This book presents the whole of the Pentateuch as what it first of all for the reader--and where every interpretation must begin--as literature, especially as a part of the history of ancient Israel's literature. ... czytaj dalej