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Sociology as Applied to Medicine 4e
G. Scambler Wydawnictwo: inne

An invaluable text for medical students and health professionals, Sociology as Applied to Medicine 4/e offers a comprehensive but accessible introduction to the sociology of health, illness and health policy... czytaj dalej

Signs of God
M. Corner Wydawnictwo: inne

Signs of God reveals why discussion of the nature of miracles is of central rather than marginal importance where belief in God is concerned. Miracles cannot be shunted to one side as an embarrassing hangover... czytaj dalej

Imagi-Nations & Borderless Media
A. Owen Wydawnictwo: angielskie

"Imagi-Nations and Borderless Media" analyzes the impact of transnational television on the television and advertising industries in three regions - South Asia, Southeast Asia and Northeast Asia.... czytaj dalej

Spectatorship of Suffering
L. Chouliaraki Wydawnictwo: angielskie

"The Spectatorship of Suffering" addresses a topic of urgent and pressing moral concern: the political, cultural and moral effects of other people's mediated suffering. Drawing on media and social... czytaj dalej

Killing Freud
J. DuFresne Wydawnictwo: inne

Killing Freud takes the reader on a journey through the 20th century, tracing the work and influence of one of its greatest icons, Sigmund Freud. A devastating critique, the book ranges across the strange case... czytaj dalej

Theory & Practice of Counselling & Therapy
Richard Nelson-Jones Wydawnictwo: angielskie

'An excellent summary of Rogers' life and work and of the latest developments in person-centred therapy' - Professor Brian Thorne, Co-founder of The Norwich Centre, Norwich `Clear, thorough and succinctly... czytaj dalej

Diamond Sutra
Red Pine Wydawnictwo: brak danych

No other text is as important to Buddhists, especially Zen Buddhists, and this translation includes commentary from major Chinese and Japanese historical sources. Zen Buddhism is often said to be a practice... czytaj dalej

Social Psychology Matters
Hollway Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This Open University co-publication is aimed at 2nd and 3rd year undergraduates and sets out to explore the significance of social psychology in the 21st century. It provides coverage of the main topics in... czytaj dalej

Twentieth-Century Europe
Bell Wydawnictwo: inne

Beginning with the fundamental question "What is Europe," this exceptionally lucid new history opens up a whole range of fresh perspectives. It sets out to examine the proposition that the idea of... czytaj dalej

Clusters & Globalisation
R. Sugden Wydawnictwo: brak danych

Clustering as an economic policy concern has become increasingly fashionable. The authors of this book shed light on this subject on which there remains remarkably little understanding, and even less agreement... czytaj dalej