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Sex Objects Art & the Dialectics of Desire
J. Doyle Wydawnictwo: angielskie

The declaration that a work of art is "about sex" is often announced to the public as a scandal after which there is nothing else to say about the work or the artist - controversy concludes a conversation... czytaj dalej

Hunt for Bin Laden
R. Moore Wydawnictwo: inne

The Hunt for bin Laden plunges the reader into America's War on Terror, from the first top-secret meetings of Task Force Dagger in Tampa on the afternoon of September 11, 2001, through the liberation of Kabul... czytaj dalej

Britain in the Twentieth Century
More Wydawnictwo: angielskie

In a century of rapid social change, the British people have experienced two world wars, the growth of the welfare state and the loss of Empire.Charles More looks at these and other issues in a comprehensive... czytaj dalej

Psychology & Life
R. Gerrig,P. Zimbardo Wydawnictwo: inne

This classic text emphasises the science of psychology, with a special focus on applying that science to daily lives.Psychology and Life continues to provide a rigorous, research-centred survey of the discipline... czytaj dalej

Problem uniwersalizacji etosu mieszczańskiego
Zdrenka Marcin T. Wydawnictwo: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Mikołaja Kopernika

PL: Niniejsza książka nosi niejasny w pierwszym oglądzie tytuł Problem uniwersalizacji etosu mieszczańskiego. Dlaczego "etos", a nie swojsko brzmiąca "etyka"? Dlaczego właśnie "mieszczański"... czytaj dalej

Mexicans A Personal Portrait of a People
P. Oster Wydawnictwo: HarperCollins Polska

The Mexicans is a multifaceted portrait of the complex, increasingly turbulent neighbor to our south. It is the story of a country in crisis -- poverty, class tensions, political corruption -- as told through... czytaj dalej

Handbook of Workplace Violence
E. Kelloway Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Research on workplace violence has proliferated in recent years. Handbook of Workplace Violence reflects and summarizes the current state of knowledge regarding all aspects of workplace violence and aggression... czytaj dalej

Person Centered Approaches to Studying Development Context
S. Peck Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This volume introduces readers to theoretical and methodological discussions, along with empirical illustrations, of using pattern-centered analyses in studying development in context. Pattern-centered analytic... czytaj dalej

All Connected Now
W. Anderson Wydawnictwo: angielskie

A vivid description of the cultural, political, economic, and environmental changes that globalization will bring to our world. Going beyond the narrow economic focus common to most books about globalization... czytaj dalej

Cuban Palimpsests
J. Quiroga Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Traces how Cuba's revolutionary past and uncertain future collide with post - Cold War realities. Four decades ago, the Cuban revolution captured the world's attention and imagination. Its impact around the... czytaj dalej