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Chee Chee
A. Evans Wydawnictwo:

Although continually cited by the United Nations as one of the best places in the world to live, Canada has proved deadly for many Native peoples, among whom suicide is an all-too-common occurrence. The suicide... czytaj dalej

Brothers in Arms
Odd Westad Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This volume brings together young scholars from different countries working, on the basis of much newly discovered documentation, on the complicated and often stormy history of the Sino-Soviet relationship... czytaj dalej

One People Two Worlds Orthodox Rabbi & Reform Rabbi in Searc
Hirsch,Yosef Reinman Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Two prominent rabbis engage in an impassioned dialogue and debate on the ideological and contemporary issues that polarize the Jewish faith. ... czytaj dalej

Mission & Evangelisation
Michael Hayes Wydawnictwo: inne

Eight Cardinals each give papers on the key themes for the modern world: mission and evangelization. They are better placed than most to give good reasons for missionary enterprise to find a new validity and... czytaj dalej

Wieczory z nauką. Zeszyt 1/2007 (45)
Elżbieta Kaczyńska (red.) Wydawnictwo: Dialog

Prof. Joanna Jurewicz: Witam na pierwszym spotkaniu po wakacjach. Dzisiaj naszym gościem jest profesor Władysław Bartoszewski, którego poprosiliśmy o wygłoszenie wprowadzenia do dyskusji na temat: Polska - Niemcy: wczoraj i dziś.... czytaj dalej

European Labour Law 10e
R. Blanpain Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This book deals with European labour law and industrial relations. It covers legislation concerning relations between employers and employees, collective agreements and the case law of the Court of Justice... czytaj dalej

Social Stratification 5 vols
Inglis Wydawnictwo: angielskie

The study of social cohesion and solidarity, and their antitheses, social fragmentation and dissension, are central components of sociology. From the very beginnings of sociology right through to the present... czytaj dalej

European Constitution
J. Ziller Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Although, until very recently, the word constitution was noticeably absent from the EU s political vocabulary, this formerly taboo word has surfaced in dramatic fashion. In order to bridge the gap between the... czytaj dalej

Psychological Testing & Assessment 5ed
R.J. Cohen Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This is a careful and thoroughly updated revision of the most highly acclaimed and successful undergraduate text in testing over the last fifteen years. PSYCHOLOGICAL TESTING AND ASSESSMENT examines the philosophical... czytaj dalej

Soul Made Flesh
C. Zimmer Wydawnictwo: Vintage Books

How the secrets of the brain were uncovered in 17th century England? We take it for granted that the brain is the seat of our minds, the part of our body that is most ourselves. 500 years ago, Europeans, if... czytaj dalej