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This unique book offers an empirical assessment of how social and political involvement relates to theories of citizenship and democracy, providing a detailed comparative assessment of the potential that voluntary... czytaj dalej
Using Software in Qualitative Research: A Step-by-Step Guide combines several aspects of Computer Assisted Qualitative Data Analysis (CAQDAS), helping the reader choose the most appropriate package for their... czytaj dalej
"Sikhs, Swamis, Students and Spies" is a fascinating history of the India lobby in America in the Indian pre-independence era, a little known chapter in the history of modern India. It documents the... czytaj dalej
For undergraduate courses in International Relations. A comprehensive guide to the world body's institutions, procedures, policies, specialized agencies, historic personalities, initiatives, and involvement... czytaj dalej
Provides not only a rich context for Hafez's poetry but also a comprehensive perspective on a fascinating place in a dynamic time In the fourteenth-century Persian city of Shiraz, poets composed, scholars studied... czytaj dalej