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Prestatehood Legal Materials is your one-stop guide to the history and development of law in the U.S. and the change from territory to statehood. Unprecedented in its coverage of territorial government, this... czytaj dalej
"Hospitality: A Social Lens" follows on from the unique contribution made by "In Search of Hospitality: Theoretical Perspectives and Debates". It progresses debate, challenges the boundaries... czytaj dalej
Being and Event makes available to an English-speaking readership Badiou's groundbreaking work on set theory. Organised in a precise and novel manner, it reflects the philosophical rigour of his thought. This... czytaj dalej
Glader (an associate at Cleary Gottlieb Steen Hamilton LLP, Belgium) compares the standards for the protection of competition in the innovation process in American antitrust law and European competition law... czytaj dalej
For undergraduate and graduate courses in Historiography and Historical Method. Also an ideal supplemental text for Western Civilization and Intellectual History courses. This text is a concise, brief, and... czytaj dalej
Devotion to religion was the distinguishing characteristic of the Etruscan people, the most powerful civilization of Italy in the Archaic period. From a very early date, Etruscan religion spread its influence... czytaj dalej
Thoroughly revised to provide developmental views that explain how what happened over the past two centuries got us where we are today; and to present important current issues that are engaging the presidency... czytaj dalej
This book draws on in-depth case studies and a range of international examples on the topical debate surrounding social issues, political challenges, opportunities and responsibilities that accompany a museums... czytaj dalej
This new and revised edition of "Culture, Society and Sexuality" brings together and makes accessible a broad and international selection of readings to provide insights into the social, cultural... czytaj dalej
This book provides a comprehensive historical overview and analysis of the complex and often vexing problem of understanding the formation of US human rights policy over the past thirty-five years, a period... czytaj dalej