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Naturalizing Jurisprudence
B. Leiter Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Brian Leiter is widely recognized as the leading philosophical interpreter of the jurisprudence of American Legal Realism, as well as the most influential proponent of the relevance of the naturalistic turn... czytaj dalej

Drugs & Society
Fisch Wydawnictwo: angielskie

The focus of this edited collection is a thoughtful multidisciplinary presentation of past and present U.S. drug policies and whether they are winning the so-called war on drugs (they aren't!). For the great... czytaj dalej

Narrative Therapy
M. Payne Wydawnictwo: angielskie

`A thought provoking and interesting book that will be of interest to nurses and others supporting patients' - Accident and Emergency Nursing `It is a relevant and timely book that will remind therapists of... czytaj dalej

Power Faith & Fantasy
Oren Wydawnictwo: angielskie

From the first cannonballs fired by American warships at North African pirates to the conquest of Falluja by the Marines - from the early American explorers who probed the sources of the Nile to the diplomats... czytaj dalej

Societies Networks & Transitions
Lockard Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Societies, Networks, and Transitions< /i> is a world history text that connects the different regions of the world through global themes. This innovative structure combines the accessibility of a regional... czytaj dalej

Being and Event
A. Badiou Wydawnictwo: inne

Being and Event makes available to an English-speaking readership Badiou's groundbreaking work on set theory. Organised in a precise and novel manner, it reflects the philosophical rigour of his thought. This... czytaj dalej

History & Historians
M. Gilderhus Wydawnictwo: angielskie

For undergraduate and graduate courses in Historiography and Historical Method. Also an ideal supplemental text for Western Civilization and Intellectual History courses. This text is a concise, brief, and... czytaj dalej

First World War as a Clash of Cultures
F. Bridgham Wydawnictwo: brak danych

This volume of essays examines the perceived rift between the British and German intellectual and cultural traditions before 1914 and how the resultant war of words both reflects and helped determine historical... czytaj dalej

Deafness & Challenging Behaviour
Austen Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Challenging behaviours, such as aggression and violence, are more common in deaf people than hearing people. Filling a crucial gap in the international market, this book will appeal equally to those who work... czytaj dalej

Sikhs Swamis Students & Spies
H. Gould Wydawnictwo: angielskie

"Sikhs, Swamis, Students and Spies" is a fascinating history of the India lobby in America in the Indian pre-independence era, a little known chapter in the history of modern India. It documents the... czytaj dalej