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US Foreign Policy and the War on Drugs
Friesendorf Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This is the first academic study to examine the side effects of US policy on the global drugs industry, such as the displacement of cocaine and heroin production. To reduce the supply of illicit cocaine and... czytaj dalej

Auschwitz Poland & the Politics of Commemoration 1945-1979
J. Huener Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Few places in the world carry as heavy a burden of history as Auschwitz. Recognized and remembered as the most prominent site of Nazi crimes, Auschwitz has had tremendous symbolic weight in the postwar world... czytaj dalej

War in European History 1494-1660
Jeremy Black Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This is the first title in the new "Essential Bibliographies" series: each volume will feature an essay by a noted scholar on an important issue or period in military history, and a complete bibliography... czytaj dalej

American Foreign Policy
G. Hastedt Wydawnictwo: angielskie

For courses in upper-level American Foreign Policy.This text brings together 3 key elements for both students and professors. It provides an overview of the historical information to make sense of current U... czytaj dalej

Medytacje pascaliańskie
Pierre Boudieu Wydawnictwo: Oficyna Naukowa

Świat społeczny byłby lepiej poznany, a naukowe wypowiedzi na jego temat bardziej zrozumiałe, gdybyśmy mogli się przekonać, że niewiele jest przedmiotów trudniejszych do poznania. Szczególną cechą socjologa... czytaj dalej

Remaining Relevant After Communism
A. Wachtel Wydawnictwo: brak danych

More than any other art form, literature defined Eastern Europe as a cultural and political entity in the second half of the twentieth century. Although often persecuted by the state, East European writers... czytaj dalej

Harmonic Mind v 2
M. Smolensky Wydawnictwo: brak danych

An integrated connectionist/symbolic architecture of the mind/brain, applied to neural/genomic realisation of grammar; aequisition, processing, and typology in phonology and syntax; and foundations of cognitive... czytaj dalej

Come on Down Popular Media Culture in Post-War Britain
D. Strinati Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Come on Down? represents an introduction to popular media culture in Britain since 1945. It discusses the ways in which popular culture can be studied, understood and appreciated, and covers its key analytical... czytaj dalej

Stars Down to Earth
Adorno Wydawnictwo: angielskie

The Stars Down to Earth shows us a stunningly prescient Adorno. Haunted by the ugly side of American culture industries he used the different angles provided by each of these three essays to showcase the dangers... czytaj dalej

Women's Suffrage Literature History of Feminism 6 Vols
Cockin Wydawnictwo: angielskie

"Women's Suffrage Literature" is a new major work from Routledge and Edition Synapse. It makes available in facsimile key texts which represent the wealth of creative writing that emerged around the... czytaj dalej