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A guide to the rules and rituals of converting to Judaism includes advice on such issues as dealing with family, choosing a synagogue, and selecting a Hebrew name... czytaj dalej
The declaration that a work of art is "about sex" is often announced to the public as a scandal after which there is nothing else to say about the work or the artist - controversy concludes a conversation... czytaj dalej
This major reference work comprises 80 articles representing the most influential theoretical writings by international relations scholars. Introduced by an essay from Stephen Chan and Cerwyn Moore, the four... czytaj dalej
The contents include: Foreword by Frederick D. Barton; Preface by Derick W. Brinkerhoff; Governance Challenges in Fragile States: Re-Establishing Security, Rebuilding Effectiveness, and Reconstituting Legitimacy... czytaj dalej
Thousands of students graduate from university each year. The lucky few have the rest of their lives mapped out in perfect detail - but for most things are not nearly so simple. Armed with your hard-earned... czytaj dalej
This never-before-published collection of autobiographies written by young Polish Jews in the 1930s is extraordinary. Candid and filled with poignancy, the writings reveal not only the personal struggles, ambitions... czytaj dalej
Of all the many approaches to psychology, the psychodynamic comes closest to what the layperson expects from psychology. It tackles issues central to human experience including how our relationship with our... czytaj dalej
Geruchsreize gelangen - anders als andere Sinneseindrücke - direkt in den Teil unseres Gehirns, der für Gefühle, Stimmungen und unser Erinnerungsvermögen zuständig ist. Geruch spüren wir als Heißhunger, Durst... czytaj dalej
This book studies one of the most striking chapters in the history of late antique monastic culture, provided by the monastic legacy of Gaza. A monastic intellectual community flourished in the region of Gaza... czytaj dalej
This volume in the Problems in European Civilization Series features a collection of secondary-source essays focusing on aspects of the Holocaust. The essays in this book debate the origins of the Holocaust... czytaj dalej