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Citizen Soldiers
S. Ambrose Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Originally published in 1998 by Simon and Schuster, this book starts at 00:01 hours, June 7, 1944 on the Normandy beaches and ends at 02:45 hours, May 7, 1945, covering the battles in the hedgerows of Normandy... czytaj dalej

Sacred Traces British Explorations of Buddhism in South Asia
J. Leshko Wydawnictwo: inne

In his novel Kim, in which a Tibetan pilgrim seeks to visit important Buddhist sites in India, Rudyard Kipling reveals the nineteenth-century fascination with the discovery of the importance of Buddhism in... czytaj dalej

Women in World History v 1
Anne Commire Wydawnictwo: angielskie

With more than 10,000 biographical entries, this is the most comprehensive women's history encyclopedia available. This ambitious work profiles women throughout time and throughout the world. More than 2,500... czytaj dalej

War in European History 1494-1660
Jeremy Black Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This is the first title in the new "Essential Bibliographies" series: each volume will feature an essay by a noted scholar on an important issue or period in military history, and a complete bibliography... czytaj dalej

Politics of Greed
A. Schwartz Wydawnictwo: angielskie

An in-depth political history of privatization in Central and Eastern Europe, "The Politics of Greed" demonstrates that the way that assets are privatized matters, both with respect to national economic... czytaj dalej

Vertigo of Late Modernity
J. Young Wydawnictwo: angielskie

'Immersing himself in the whirling uncertainty of late modernity, confronting its odd deformities of essentialism and exclusion, Jock Young has produced a comprehensive account of contemporary trouble, anxiety... czytaj dalej

K. Domenici Wydawnictwo: angielskie

"Facework" introduces a new paradigm that identifies facework as the key to communication within the management of difference. Building dignity, honor, and respect is an ongoing accomplishment within... czytaj dalej

Geulincx Wydawnictwo: Wydawnictwo Marek Derewiecki

Filozofia okazjonalistyczna kojarzy się przede wszystkim z nazwiskiem N. Malebranche'a, który bez wątpienia był postacią najwybitniejszą i najbardziej znaczącą w tym kręgu filozoficznym. Niemniej jednak nie... czytaj dalej

Last Pagans of Iraq Ibn Washiyya & His Nabatean Agriculture
J. Hameen-Anttila Wydawnictwo: brak danych

This is the first analysis in any language of the religious, philosophical and folkloristic content of Ibn Washiyya's (d. 931) "Nabatean Agriculture".This enigmatic book, said to have been translated... czytaj dalej

Nazis & Good Neighbors The United States
M. Friedman Wydawnictwo: brak danych

This international history uncovers an American security program in which Washington reached into fifteen Latin American countries to seize more than 4,000 German expatriates and intern them in the Texas desert... czytaj dalej