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Politics of Terrorism
A. Tan Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Terrorism is increasingly at the forefront of political agendas. Events world-wide have led to an increased awareness and response to this global phenomenon. The focus of this volume is on examining the fundamental... czytaj dalej

Rome Wasn't Burnt In A Day
J. Scarborough Wydawnictwo: HarperCollins Polska

Scarborough served as one of Florida's Republican members of Congress from 1994 to 2001, and is now the host of the nightly program, Scarborough Country, on MSNBC. In this critical analysis of Republicans and... czytaj dalej

Sports in Society
Coakley Wydawnictwo: angielskie

"Sports in Society" is the definitive text for the sport sociology course. Taking a global, issues-oriented approach to the study of the role of sport in society, this text encourages the discussion... czytaj dalej

Social Movements 4 vols
Jasper Wydawnictwo: angielskie

A social movement is a collective, organized, sustained and non-institutional challenge to authorities, power holders, or cultural beliefs and practices. In the modern world, social movements are one of the... czytaj dalej

Economic Damages in Intellectual Property
D. Slottje Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Economic Damages in Intellectual Property Matters presents a series of chapters by leading economists, IP professionals, and consultants on how economic analysis in support of IP litigation matters is performed... czytaj dalej

European Company & Financial Law
K. Hopt Wydawnictwo: angielskie

As with previous editions, this fouth edition of European Company and Financial Law features the full text of every piece of adopted European legislation affecting companies and the financial sector, including... czytaj dalej

Understanding Dogmas & Dreams
Love Wydawnictwo: brak danych

In this companion volume to her updated and expanded reader, Love places the study of ideologies in historical and analytic context, guiding students toward a deeper understanding of modern politics, a better... czytaj dalej

Personality Psychology
Larsen Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Organizing content into six domains of personality functioning (dispositional, biological, intrapsychic, cognitive/experiential, social and cultural, and adjustment), this text interweaves contemporary research... czytaj dalej

Rethinking Evil
Maria Lara Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This innovative volume will be welcomed by moral and political philosophers, social scientists, and anyone who reflects seriously on the twentieth century's heavy burden of war, genocide, ethnic cleansing,... czytaj dalej

Citizen Soldiers
S. Ambrose Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Originally published in 1998 by Simon and Schuster, this book starts at 00:01 hours, June 7, 1944 on the Normandy beaches and ends at 02:45 hours, May 7, 1945, covering the battles in the hedgerows of Normandy... czytaj dalej