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Local Knowledge Further Essays in Interpretive Anthology
C. Geertz Wydawnictwo: inne

In essays covering everything from art and common sense to charisma and constructions of the self, the eminent cultural anthropologist deepens our understanding of human societies through the intimacies of 'local knowledge.'... czytaj dalej

Feminine Fascism Women in Britain's Fascist Movement
Julie Gottlieb Wydawnictwo: angielskie

How far did women support Oswald Mosley's Black Shirts? This important reference work fills a significant gap in the historiography of British fascism, which has generally overlooked the contribution of the... czytaj dalej

Studies on Translation & Interpretation
C. Dray Wydawnictwo: brak danych

The non-literal, interpretative renderings in the Targums are a source of fascination. This study examines translation techniques in the Targum to the books of Kings and other Targums, particularly in the areas... czytaj dalej

Speaking for Islam Religious Authorities
G. Kramer Wydawnictwo: brak danych

Who speaks for Islam? To whom do Muslims turn when they look for guidance? To what extent do individual scholars and preachers exert religious authority, and how can it be assessed? The upsurge of Islamism... czytaj dalej

Hungarian Revolution of 1956
L. Eorsi Wydawnictwo: inne

Reexamines the events of the uprising and the activities of its well-known participants. ... czytaj dalej

Towards Sustainable Development in Industry
R. Luken Wydawnictwo: brak danych

'This book makes a timely and important contribution to the controversial area of development policy and practice. The country case studies provide valuable insights into ways in which countries have sometimes... czytaj dalej

Reading People
Dimitrius Wydawnictwo: Vintage Books

This text teaches the reader: how to tell a person's sincerity by the tone of their voice; which three character traits are most likely to predict a person's behaviour; how to know if your date is interested... czytaj dalej

Handbook of Computer Crime Investigation
Casey Wydawnictwo: inne

Following on the success of his introductory text, Digital Evidence and Computer Crime, Eoghan Casey brings together a few top experts to create the first detailed guide for professionals who are already familiar... czytaj dalej

Sociology a Global Introduction
J. Macionis Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Sociology: A Global Introduction is the most complete learning resource for introductory sociology students across Europe.Written in a lively and engaging way, the new edition of this popular text will engage... czytaj dalej