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Promise of Sleep a Pioneer in Sleep Medicine Explores the
W. Dement Wydawnictwo: brak danych

Sleep better, live longer with the groundbreaking information and step-by-step program in this revolutionary book.Healthful sleep has been empirically proven to be the single most important factor in predicting... czytaj dalej

Religia nuerów
Edward Evan, Evans-Pritchard Wydawnictwo: Wydawnictwo Marek Derewiecki

Autor Religii Nuerów jest jednym z klasyków antropologii brytyjskiej. Jego zainteresowania skupiają się przede wszystkim na ludach Afryki zamieszkujących teren Sudanu. Książka jest dopełnieniem wcześniejszych... czytaj dalej

Discrimination Law
Connolly Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This title provides in depth and accessible guidance on discrimination law. It covers the UK and EU, with comparisons to the US, Canada and Australia. It analyses the different theories and definitions of what... czytaj dalej

Skilled Helper
G. Egan Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Internationally recognized for its successful problem-management and opportunity development approach to effective helping, this is the "millennium edition" of Egan's classic book for helpers. Egan... czytaj dalej

Whose News Media & Women's Issues
Joseph Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This new edition analyses media content, and evaluates the coverage of gender issues in the media against the background of globalisation in general and media globalisation in particular. It also offers a distinctive... czytaj dalej

Civil War Years
R. Winks Wydawnictwo:

While the Yankees and the Confederates fought a ruthless civil war in the United States, Britain and the northern states waged a war in anticipation, as British North America waited and wondered whether the... czytaj dalej

Jewish Boyhood in Poland
N. Salsitz Wydawnictwo: angielskie

A recollection of a Jewish childhood and the traditional way of life in a small Polish town before the Nazi invasion, as told by Salsitz to Skolnik. Kolbuszowa was a thriving town of 4,000 people before World... czytaj dalej

Iraq Searching for Hope
White Wydawnictwo: inne

'Six years ago Tariq Aziz, then deputy PM of Iraq, invited me to visit the country to see the effect of sanctions. Having started to engage with the religious leaders of Iraq, I became the point of contact... czytaj dalej

G-man's Life The FBI Being Deep Throat
M. Felt Wydawnictwo: angielskie

The first full portrait of one of the most enduringly mysterious public figures of our era - the man who Bob Woodward called "Deep Throat", and who thought of himself as the "Lone Ranger"... czytaj dalej

Arbitration & Mediation in International Business 2e
C. Buhring-Uhle Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This greatly updated and expanded version of a 1996 classic - in its time, the first major study on the practice of international business dispute resolution - is a new book in itself. Benefitting from a comprehensive... czytaj dalej