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Russian Presidency
B. Nichols Wydawnictwo:

Why has Russian democracy apparently survived and even strengthened under a presidential system, when so many other presidential regimes have decayed into authoritarian rule? And what are the origins of presidential... czytaj dalej

Civilisation progressive de la francophonie Niveau interm‚di
J. Noutchi‚ Njik‚ Wydawnictwo: inne

La Civilisation progressive de la francophonie est un ouvrage destiné aux étudiants de niveau intermédiaire en français. Dans l'esprit de la collection et en quatre couleurs, cet ouvrage présente, décrit et... czytaj dalej

D. Rowe Wydawnictwo: brak danych

Depression: The way out of your prison gives us a way of understanding our depression which matches our experience and which enables us to take charge of our life and change it. Dorothy Rowe shows us that depression... czytaj dalej

Colonizer & Colonized
C. Bergman Wydawnictwo: brak danych

Ranking with the works of Marx, Fanon and Che Guevara, Albert Memmi's 1957 analysis of colonial oppression has been banned by governments and police and is considered by scholars, activists and revolutionaries... czytaj dalej

Developmental Psychopathology
Ch Wenar Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Accessible and clearly written, Developmental Psychopathology encourages students to żthink developmentallyż about psychopathology as it develops from childhood through adolescence, under the assumption that... czytaj dalej

Cognition & Communication Judgmental Biases Research Methods
Schwarz Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This text introduces the "logic of conversation" developed by Paul Grice, who proposed the cooperative principle and a set of maxims on which conversationalists rely. This framework is applied to... czytaj dalej

Left for Dead
J. Hovde Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Jon Hovde's journey begins with despair and the struggle to stay alive and ends with hope and the inspiration to live. As a twenty-year-old soldier in Vietnam, Hovde lost an arm and a leg when the armored personnel... czytaj dalej

Love Human & Dicine Reflections on Love Sexuality & Frendshi
E. Countryman Wydawnictwo: inne

Christians have long tried to separate eros and agape--eros being the more passionate form of love and agape being the "holy" one. Countryman argues that this is an over-interpretation of the linguistic... czytaj dalej

Kingdom Coming
M. Goldberg Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Taking the reader on a journey through a country in the grips of a fevered religious radicalism, in "Kingdom Coming", Michelle Goldberg demonstrates how the growing influence of dominionism - the... czytaj dalej

War for a Nation
S. Grant Wydawnictwo: angielskie

The War for a Nation provides a brief introduction to the American Civil War from the perspective of military personnel and civilians who participated in the conflict. Susan-Mary Grant brings the war, its many... czytaj dalej