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Business & Culture of Digital Games
Kerr Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This book explores the lifecycle of digital games. Drawing upon a broad range of media studies perspectives with aspects of sociology, social theory and economics, Aphra Kerr explores this all-pervasive,... czytaj dalej

McQuail's Mass Communication Theory
D. McQuail Wydawnictwo: angielskie

OVER 80,000 COPIES SOLD! The Fifth Edition of this bestselling textbook provides a comprehensive, non-technical introduction to the range of approaches to understanding mass communication. Fully revised... czytaj dalej

NATO & Eastern Europe After 2000 Strategic Interactions with
L. Paquette Wydawnictwo: angielskie

NATO is acutely aware of its increased status as a force for stability in a drastically altered Atlantic community. The number of its initiatives is on the increase just as a new political, economic and military... czytaj dalej

Blue Gold
M. Barlow Wydawnictwo: brak danych

International tensions around water are rising in many of the world's most volatile regions. The policy recipe pursued by the West, and imposed on governments elsewhere, is to pass control over water to private... czytaj dalej

Wolność i transcendencja
Podraza Kwiatkowska Maria Wydawnictwo: Wydawnictwo Literackie

Książka potwierdza mistrzostwo warsztatu krakowskiej uczonej. Znajdziemy tu suwerenne panowanie nad Młodą Polską jako historyczną całością, znajdziemy spojrzenie na modernistyczną wyobraźnię z perspektywy istotnych... czytaj dalej

Creativity for Critical Thinkers
Weston Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This unique book is a concise introduction to creativity--the art of expanding possibility. Covering such practical methods as multiplying options, brainstorming, lateral thinking, reframing problems, and many... czytaj dalej

Research Methods
A. Graziano Wydawnictwo: inne

This comprehensive text explores the entire range of research methodologies in psychology, using a programmatic approach to introduce topics and build on earlier presentations to increase student understanding... czytaj dalej

Polish Encounters Russian Identity
Ransel Wydawnictwo: angielskie

At a time when Poland is emphasizing its distance from Russia, Polish Encounters, Russian Identity points to the historical ties and mutual influences of these two great Slavic peoples. Whether Poland adopted... czytaj dalej

Awakening Lives Autobiographies of Jewish Youth in Poland Be
Shandler Wydawnictwo: brak danych

This never-before-published collection of autobiographies written by young Polish Jews in the 1930s is extraordinary. Candid and filled with poignancy, the writings reveal not only the personal struggles, ambitions... czytaj dalej

Bending Bodies Maulding Masculinities vol. II
Ervo Wydawnictwo: inne

The two 'Moulding Masculinities' volumes represent the first major publication in English of Northern European studies on masculinities. They focus on men's relationships towards each other and their bodies... czytaj dalej