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Experimental Analisys of Behavior v 2
Iver Iversen Wydawnictwo: brak danych

This volume is dedicated to the late B.F. Skinner as a tribute to his pioneering work on the Experimental Analysis of Behavior. This science that he initiated studies the behavior of individual organisms under... czytaj dalej

Ape & The Sushi Master
F. Waal Wydawnictwo: inne

Arguing that apes have created their own distinctive culture, eminent primatologist Frans de Waal challenges our most basic assumptions a bout who we are and how we differ from other animals. What if apes had... czytaj dalej

Explaining Psychological Statistics 2ed
B. Cohen Wydawnictwo: angielskie

A comprehensive statistics text for graduate students Explaining Psychological Statistics, Second Edition successfully bridges the gap between statistics and research methods courses by incorporating research... czytaj dalej

Central Debates in British Politics
J. Fisher Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Central Debates in British Politics focuses on British politics in a changing social, economic and institutional context. The book explores issues and debates using a variety of approaches and techniques. It... czytaj dalej

American Years 2 vols
E. Gross,R. Johnston Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This fully revised and expanded edition provides year-by-year coverage of events in American history, covering such things as international events; business and industry; transportation; science and medicine;... czytaj dalej

Children & Television
Simpson Wydawnictwo: inne

Television is often cited as a cause of violent crime or behaviour. Usually, this connection is made in the context of the behaviour of young people - as another way of blaming them for the broader ills of... czytaj dalej

Bilateral Investment Treaties
R. Dolzer Wydawnictwo: brak danych

This work, which has been prepared under the auspices of the International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes, examines BIT provisions, particular emphasis being placed on treatment, expropriation... czytaj dalej

Nasza niedojrzała kultura
Jaszewska Dagmara Wydawnictwo: Oficyna Naukowa

Książka ta jest o niedojrzałości. Racja dojrzałości w kulturze przestniała istnieć, preferowana jest natomiast ironia, dystans.Niedojrzałość - to postmodernizm po polsku, to nowa kondycja jednostki i całej kultury.... czytaj dalej

Global Eighteenth Century
F. Nussbaum Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Historians have generally come to accept the idea of a 'long eighteenth century,' one thatextended from circa 1660 to 1830. In The Global Eighteenth Century, editor Felicity Nussbaum and the contributing authors... czytaj dalej

Pilgrimage to Images in Fifteenth Century Origins of Cult of
Robert Maniura Wydawnictwo: brak danych

The tradition of pilgrimage to an image is so well-established as to be taken for granted. Throughout Christian history large numbers of people have made journeys to images associated with miracles, yet the... czytaj dalej