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This new study shows how the American-led 'war on terror' has brought about the most significant shift in the contours of the international system since the end of the Cold War. A new 'imperial moment' is now... czytaj dalej
Praise for Goal Free Living Setting goals may be fine. But letting your goals take control of your life can be devastating. Goal-Free Living shows you how to explore paths in your life you never knew existed... czytaj dalej
From bestselling author, Sophie Hodorowicz Knab, comes this unique planning guide for Americans who want to organize and celebrate a Polish-style wedding. Sections titled Engagement, Bridal Flowers, Wedding... czytaj dalej
Is there life after theory? If the death of the Author has now been followed by the death of the Theorist, what's left? Indeed, who's left? To explore such riddles Life. After.Theory brings together new interviews... czytaj dalej
Analysing the sources of ethnic and class conflict in post-Communist Eastern Europe, this text presents 13 articles offering different approaches to mediating, facilitating and resolving these tensions, based... czytaj dalej
Niniejszym tomem Oficyna Naukowa rozpoczyna edycję wydzielonego w obrębie serii Terminus cyklu. Będą to opracowania ściśle dydaktyczne, objęte wspólnym podtytułem Prolegomena (gr. wprowadzenie do tematu, zagadnienia)... czytaj dalej
According to the Washington Post, no one who cares about contemporary African-American cultures can ignore bell hooks' electrifying feminist explorations. Targeting cultural icons as diverse as Madonna and... czytaj dalej
This book demonstrates how national identity affects the dynamics of immigration. From international press coverage of the French government's attempt to prevent Muslims from wearing headscarves to terrorist... czytaj dalej
Autorka pokazuje, jak instytucje demokratyczne po prostu przeniesione w inne realia społeczne, a nie zbudwane od podstaw w sposób świadomy przez ludzi - stają się puste, nie funkcjonują. Podobnie jak w realnym... czytaj dalej
The Deutsche Bank, Germany's largest financial institution, played an important role in the expropriation of Jewish-owned enterprises during the Nazi dictatorship, both in the existing territories of Germany... czytaj dalej