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Tak? Nie?! Poradnik przedakcesyjny
Jaworek Rudolf Wydawnictwo: von Borowiecky

Poradnik antyunijny. Autor prezentuje w nim swoją głęboką troskę o losy ojczyzny i przywiązanie do tradycji konstruując mocne tytuły kolejnych rozdziałów: "Przodkowie z grobów krzyczą: Nie do UE!"... czytaj dalej

Understanding Child Development Linking Theory & Practice
Lindon Wydawnictwo: inne

Written by Jennie Lindon, Understanding Child Development is refreshingly clear, readable and user-friendly. With explanations of the key theories and research in all areas of child development, this is the... czytaj dalej

Law & Policy of the World Trade Organization
P. Van den Bossche Wydawnictwo: brak danych

This is primarily a textbook for graduate and upper-level undergraduate students of law. However, practising lawyers and policy-makers who are looking for an introduction to WTO law will also find it invaluable... czytaj dalej

Troeltsch Ernst Bd 7 Protestantisches Christentum & Kirche
Troeltsch Wydawnictwo: angielskie

From 1906 onwards the Teubner Verlag in Leipzig published the first volumes of an ambitious encyclopedia "Die Kultur der Gegenwart, ihre Entwicklung und ihre Ziele" under the general editorship of... czytaj dalej

Emerging Voices Urgent Choices
E. Hernandez Wydawnictwo: brak danych

The strength of U.S. Hispanic churches is an untold story documented in "Emerging Voices, Urgent Choices: Essays on Latino/a Religious Leadership". In this pioneering volume, experts from various... czytaj dalej

Mind & Modality Studies in the History
V. Hirvonen Wydawnictwo: brak danych

This volume offers a wide-ranging and profound collection of essays on philosophical psychology and conceptions of modality from antiquity to the present day, with some essays on the philosophy of religion... czytaj dalej

Bible in Film
J. Exum Wydawnictwo: brak danych

Biblical scholars and students are finding the role of the Bible in film an increasingly absorbing and rewarding topic. There are films that retell biblical narratives and there are films that allude to the... czytaj dalej

United Nations Security Council in the Post-Cold War Era
K. Manusama Wydawnictwo: brak danych

This volume examines the role of international law in the Security Council's decisions and decision-making process since the end of the Cold War, with the principle of legality as theoretical framework. ... czytaj dalej

Police in Transition
Kadar Wydawnictwo: brak danych

The police forces of the transition countries in Central and Eastern Europe have to undergo profound reform to be able to respond to the needs of society; to serve the public and not just the government, and... czytaj dalej

Ethnic Monitoring & Data Protection
Krizsan Wydawnictwo: brak danych

An increasing concern felt about the absence of ethnic statistics concerning Roma and other minorities in most spheres of public life led to the idea of this research project. Convinced that the collection... czytaj dalej