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Nasza niedojrzała kultura
Jaszewska Dagmara Wydawnictwo: Oficyna Naukowa

Książka ta jest o niedojrzałości. Racja dojrzałości w kulturze przestniała istnieć, preferowana jest natomiast ironia, dystans.Niedojrzałość - to postmodernizm po polsku, to nowa kondycja jednostki i całej kultury.... czytaj dalej

D. Haller Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Much of the scholarly literature on corruption rather unquestioningly accepts the definitions and issues as framed by the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank. These 12 anthropological essays examining... czytaj dalej

Roman Book Of Gardening
J. Henderson Wydawnictwo: angielskie

The first book to look at this particular subject, The Roman Book of Gardening brings together an extraordinarily varied selection of texts on Roman horticulture, celebrating herb and vegetable gardening in... czytaj dalej

Global Eighteenth Century
F. Nussbaum Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Historians have generally come to accept the idea of a 'long eighteenth century,' one thatextended from circa 1660 to 1830. In The Global Eighteenth Century, editor Felicity Nussbaum and the contributing authors... czytaj dalej

Last Supper According to Martha & Mary
Tina Beattie Wydawnictwo: brak danych

This account of the Last Supper traces the emotions and personalities of this event through the perspective eyes and hearts of both Martha and Mary. Told from the perspective of these two contrasting personalities... czytaj dalej

Cold War Laboratory
M. Collins Wydawnictwo: angielskie

In 1946, before the start of the Cold War with the Soviet Union, the Army Air Forces established Project RAND - a groundbreaking 'think tank' designed to link leaders in the military and aircraft industry.... czytaj dalej

Pilgrimage to Images in Fifteenth Century Origins of Cult of
Robert Maniura Wydawnictwo: brak danych

The tradition of pilgrimage to an image is so well-established as to be taken for granted. Throughout Christian history large numbers of people have made journeys to images associated with miracles, yet the... czytaj dalej

Gender. Perspektywa antropologiczna. Tom II: Kobiecość, męskość, seksualność
Renata E. Hryciuk, Agnieszka Kościańska (red.) Wydawnictwo: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego

"Gender. Perspektywa antropologiczna" przybliża polskim czytelnikom problematykę antropologii płci i seksualności. Z jednej strony prezentuje rozwój subdyscypliny, z drugiej pokazuje, jak owa subdyscyplina... czytaj dalej

American Foreign Policy
G. Hastedt Wydawnictwo: angielskie

For courses in upper-level American Foreign Policy.This text brings together 3 key elements for both students and professors. It provides an overview of the historical information to make sense of current U... czytaj dalej

Imperial Ends
A. Motyl Wydawnictwo: inne

Why do empires decline? And why do some - including perhaps the former Soviet empire - collapse and revive? A leading political scientist examines the nature, theory, and continuing contemporary relevance of... czytaj dalej