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When and why is war justified? How, morally speaking, should wars be fought? The Morality of War confronts these challenging questions, surveying the fundamental principles and themes of the just war tradition... czytaj dalej
Rozprawa Dantego jest pierwszą teoretyczną refleksją nad włoskim językiem literackim i punktem wyjścia do toczącej się później przez wieki dyskusji na temat kwestii języka. Autor postuluje użycie jednego włoskiego... czytaj dalej
This is the first modern study in English of the life and thought of the ninth-century Byzantine theologian and monastic reformer, Theodore the Stoudite. Cholij analyses Theodore's letters and religious writings... czytaj dalej
This book tells novel true stories concerning lightly talented civilian scientists, who were carrying out research on defense against poison gases in some unusual places during World War II. Most of these were... czytaj dalej
Volume IV of the History of Humanity takes a global perspective on the period between the seventh and sixteenth centuries, making special reference to indigenous civilizations in Asia, Africa, the Americas... czytaj dalej
Compiled from WestlawUK, each text offers the most accurate and up-to-date material Experienced editors ensure content maps closely onto course syllabuses No commentary - ideal for exam use Clear layouts, a... czytaj dalej
This reader samples a wide range of modern moral and religious discussions on the subject of war and peace. In addition to providing material on pacifism, the just war debate, the nuclear option, genocide,... czytaj dalej
This detailed case-study offers a penetrating analysis of the changing political culture in Cornwall up to and after the introduction of the 1832 electoral system. It spans a century in which the county's parliamentary... czytaj dalej
Anzelm z Canterbury to święty, teolog i filozof z pochodzenia Włoch, benedyktyn. Był doktorem Kościoła, twórcą zasady `wiara szukająca rozumienia`. Uważany za ojca scholastyki. Sformułował tzw. dowód ontologiczny... czytaj dalej
A wonderfully vivid history of Islam after Muhammad's death - and the sequel to Rogerson's acclaimed THE PROPHET MUHAMMAD... czytaj dalej