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Exception to the Rulers
Goodman Wydawnictwo: Vintage Books

Amy Goodman has got the goods on the cowboys ruling the roost and dishing out the spoils of war in Washington. She serves them up here with hard facts and a sharp tongue that has won her legions of fans and... czytaj dalej

Lincolns Avengers
E. Leonard Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Elizabeth D. Leonard tells the dramatic story of the assassination, the roundup of suspects, and the ensuing trials of those involved in the crimes of April 14. Judge Advocate General Joseph Holt - a Kentuckian... czytaj dalej

China as the World Factory
K. Zhang Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Few countries have integrated into the world economy as fast – or as dramatically – as China has since 1978. The world’s most populous country is emerging as a world workshop and export machine: a visit to... czytaj dalej

Kosciuszko We Are Here American Pilots of the Kosciuszko
J. Cisek Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This work presents the story of the Kosciuszko Squadron, a small group of American flyers that formed without the support of the State Department and the American Expeditionary Force in Europe. The goal was... czytaj dalej

Alliance of Women
H. Merrill Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This work is an innovative exploration of urban Italian politics, immigration, and European identity. In the 1980s, Italy transformed from a country of emigration to one of immigration. Italians are now faced... czytaj dalej

Cuban Palimpsests
J. Quiroga Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Traces how Cuba's revolutionary past and uncertain future collide with post - Cold War realities. Four decades ago, the Cuban revolution captured the world's attention and imagination. Its impact around the... czytaj dalej

Bibliography of Modern American Philosophy 3 vols
Slater Wydawnictwo: inne

Single most important collection of bibliographical data on American philosophy in the modern period. No other reference work or encyclopedia has such a complete listings of both major and minor works of philosophers... czytaj dalej

Greek Lyric, Tragedy, and Textual Criticism
Barrett Wydawnictwo: angielskie

W. S. Barrett (1914-2001) was one of the finest Hellenists of the second half of the twentieth century, known above all for his celebrated edition of Euripides' Hippolytus. This volume of his collected scholarly... czytaj dalej

Psychology & Life
R. Gerrig,P. Zimbardo Wydawnictwo: inne

This classic text emphasises the science of psychology, with a special focus on applying that science to daily lives.Psychology and Life continues to provide a rigorous, research-centred survey of the discipline... czytaj dalej

Piękno i wzniosłość w filozofii Fryderyka Schillera
Kaśkiewicz Kinga Wydawnictwo: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Mikołaja Kopernika

Rozprawa filozoficzna analizująca pojęcia "piękna" i "wzniosłości" w myśli Fryderyka Schillera.... czytaj dalej