Książki - nowości - Socjologia, filozofia

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Z dziejów polskiej nauki o literaturze

Drugi z kolei tom studiów rozproszonych poświęconych dziejom polonistyki, po tomie Z DZIEJÓW POLSKIEJ NAUKI O LITERATURZE W WIEKU XIX I XX. CZTERY STUDIA, mieści dwanaście rozpraw w trzech cyklach. Jako cykl... czytaj dalej

International Justice & International Criminal Court
Broomhall Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Since the Nuremberg Trials of top Nazi leaders following the Second World War, international law has affirmed that no one, whatever their rank or office, is above accountability for their crimes. Yet the Cold... czytaj dalej

World According to Itzik
I. Manger Wydawnictwo: brak danych

"Manger's deceptively folkish style, which mixes fantasy and autobiography, Biblical plots and a fin-de-siecle East European setting, pathos and parody, angels wings and social protest, the lyric and dramatic... czytaj dalej

Bridge Not Attaacked Chemical Warfare Civilian Research Duri
Johnston Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This book tells novel true stories concerning lightly talented civilian scientists, who were carrying out research on defense against poison gases in some unusual places during World War II. Most of these were... czytaj dalej

Women's Suffrage Literature History of Feminism 6 Vols
Cockin Wydawnictwo: angielskie

"Women's Suffrage Literature" is a new major work from Routledge and Edition Synapse. It makes available in facsimile key texts which represent the wealth of creative writing that emerged around the... czytaj dalej

Maritime Security in Southeast Asia
Guan Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This book confronts both the maritime security challenges and responses. In Southeast Asia, maritime security has, over the last twenty years, taken on a much greater importance, due to the Law of the Sea convention... czytaj dalej

Leadership & Negotiation in the European Union
J. Tallberg Wydawnictwo: brak danych

Jonas Tallberg offers a novel perspective on some of the most fundamental questions about international cooperation and European Union politics. Offering the first systematic theoretical and empirical exploration... czytaj dalej

Political Trials Poland 1981-1986
A. Swidlicki Wydawnictwo: brak danych

Based on extensive research using both official and unofficial information from Poland and interviews with Solidarity activists, this book shows how the trials constituted an attempt to break the back of Solidarity... czytaj dalej

O podstawie dostatecznej
Schopenhauer Arthur Wydawnictwo: Zielona Sowa

Poczwórne źródło twierdzenia o podstawie dostatecznej to doktorska rozprawa młodego Schopenhauera, będąca wedle słów autora, podwaliną całego systemu filozoficznego. Czym jest twierdzenie o podstawie dostatecznej... czytaj dalej

Mastering Counselling Theory
Ray Colledge Wydawnictwo: Macmillan

Mastering Counselling Theory provides comprehensive coverage of all the major concepts and ideas integral to the theory of counselling from behavioural to existential to psychodynamic studies. Fully explaining... czytaj dalej