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Jacob Neusner has published more than 1000 books and articles, scholarly and academic, popular and journalistic, and is one of the most published humanities scholars in the world. Over a period of fifty years... czytaj dalej
Antisemitism is reappearing in disturbing new ways and in unexpected strength. This resurgence is of deep concern to politicians, practitioners of law, and the academic community. To address it, a scholarly... czytaj dalej
We are almost programmed into thinking of our sexuality as a wholly natural feature of life. But sexual relations are but one form of social relations, as Jeffrey Weeks makes clear in his book. Drawing on the... czytaj dalej
This book demonstrates that the origins of the US-Israeli alliance lay in the former's concern over Egyptian influence in Jordan, contrasting with the widely-held view of the significance of the Six Day War... czytaj dalej
What are the relations between homosexuality, globalization and social theory? Why has the debate on globalization paid so little attention to questions of sexuality? This timely and stimulating book explores... czytaj dalej
Mathematics is one of the most basic -- and most ancient -- types of knowledge. Yet thedetails of its historical development remain obscure to all but a few specialists. The two-volume Companion Encyclopedia... czytaj dalej
Views on attention have undergone continuous evolution since the early work of the 1950s. Since that time, the questions asked about attention, consciousness and control have changed, and evidence drawn into... czytaj dalej
Offers specific pointers for overcoming job jitters, cooling hot tempers, and taming other common types of anxious energy. By understanding the types of situations and fears which trigger their anxious reactions... czytaj dalej