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The Daoist canon is the definitive fifteenth century compilation of texts concerning ritual, alchemical and meditation practices within Daoist religion. Many of these texts are undated and anonymous, so dating... czytaj dalej
The violence following the break-up of the former Yugoslavia has lasted for more than a decade and continues to mark the region. This volume analyses the causes of the conflict and describes its course from... czytaj dalej
Learn the easy steps to harnessing the incredible creative power of your mind that can enable anyone to Think Like A Genius. How you already think like a genius without even knowing it--page 6 The secret formula... czytaj dalej
"Oggi in Italia" is a successful, market-leading introductory Italian program featuring a balanced four-skills approach to language learning and varied perspectives of Italian culture that range from... czytaj dalej
Research on workplace violence has proliferated in recent years. Handbook of Workplace Violence reflects and summarizes the current state of knowledge regarding all aspects of workplace violence and aggression... czytaj dalej
"Social and Gender Analysis in Natural Resource Management" presents encounters with rural men and women in South Asian and Southeast Asian countries working for local and national governments and... czytaj dalej
This is the story of a man and an epoch. Its telling moves between detailed personal history and an assessment of the origins, significant events, and outcome of the Cold War. Professor Ulam describes his hometown... czytaj dalej
Although continually cited by the United Nations as one of the best places in the world to live, Canada has proved deadly for many Native peoples, among whom suicide is an all-too-common occurrence. The suicide... czytaj dalej
Globalization has immersed all of humanity in a single germ pool. There are no health sanctuaries in a globalizing world. In Global Health Governance, Obijiofor Aginam explores the relevance of international... czytaj dalej
As Polish democratic politics evolves it is taking unexpected forms and producing unexpected results. Through a comprehensive analysis of politics in this young European democracy Marjorie Castle and Ray Taras... czytaj dalej