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Philosophical Foundations of Social Research Methods 4 vols
Williams Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Philosophical considerations and positions underlie all of the natural and social sciences. In the latter case philosophical foundations and their emergent issues have a profound impact on methodology and... czytaj dalej

Mixed Methods 4 vols
A. Bryman Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Mixed methods research has become one of the major areas of growth in social research methodology over the last decade. The divisions between quantitative and qualitative research have increasingly given way... czytaj dalej

New Buddhist Movements in Thailand
Mackenzie Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Vastly different in belief and practice, two new Buddhist religious movements in Thailand, namely the Wat Phra Dhammakaya and Santi Asoke emerged in Thailand in the 1970s at a time of political uncertainty... czytaj dalej

Transgender Phenomenon
R. Ekins Wydawnictwo: angielskie

The field of 'transgender' and 'transpositionality' has been carved out as a new field of inquiry, showing the fragmentation and diversification of masculinities and feminities - along with the error of any sharp polarisation. ... czytaj dalej

Drug Wars & Coffee Houses
Mares Wydawnictwo: brak danych

From the more tolerant 'coffee house' style policies of the Netherlands which focus on public health concerns, to the United States' just-say-no 'drug war' approach, nations frame and seek to resolve drug issues... czytaj dalej

Columbia Documentary History of American Women 1941-2000
Sigerman Wydawnictwo: inne

From the Hoover vacuum cleaner to the fax machine, from the Pill to reproductive rights, American women have grappled with a sometimes dizzying rate of social and economic change and shifting conceptions of... czytaj dalej

Public Peace Process
Saunders Wydawnictwo:

Many of the deep-rooted human conflicts that seize our attention today are not ready for formal mediation and negotiation. People do not negotiate about identity, fear, historic grievance and injustice. Sustained... czytaj dalej

Doing Survey Research
Peter Nardi Wydawnictwo: inne

This short, practical book prepares students to conduct their own survey research, analyze data, and write up the results, while learning to read and interpret published research.Combines statistics and survey... czytaj dalej

Postwar History of Europe Since 1945
T. Judt Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Tracing the story of post-war Europe and its changing role in the world, this book presents history of Europe and investigates its political, social and cultural history from the wreckage of post-war Europe... czytaj dalej

Comparative Law Yearbook of International Business 2004
Campbell Wydawnictwo: angielskie

The 2004 volume of the Comparative Law Yearbook of International Business contains a wide variety of topics of interest to international commercial lawyers and their clients. Various areas of company law are... czytaj dalej