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In Europe's Name
Timothy Ash Wydawnictwo: Vintage Books

This text tells how German politicians set out to reunite Germany by overcoming the East-West division of Europe, and how they succeeded, just when they had almost given up hope. It looks at German Ostpolitik... czytaj dalej

Encyclopedia of Government & Politics 2 vols
M. Hawkesworth Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This is the second edition of the 'Encyclopedia of Government and Politics', which has been fully revised and updated to provide a systematic account of politics and political studies at the beginning of the... czytaj dalej

Encyclopedia of Islam
Netton Wydawnictwo: brak danych

This "Encyclopedia of Islamic Civilization and Religion" provides scholarly coverage of the religion, culture and history of the Islamic world, at a time when that world is undergoing considerable... czytaj dalej

Merleau-Ponty 4 vols
T. Toadvine Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Maurice Merleau-Ponty (1908-1961) has been hailed by many as the greatest French thinker of the twentieth century. As one of the founding members of the existentialist movement in the 1940s, he played a key... czytaj dalej

Women Making News
Tusan Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Women Making News tells two stories: first, it examines alternative print-based political cultures that women developed during the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries and second, it explores how British... czytaj dalej

M&A Protecting The Purchaser
Phillip Martinius Wydawnictwo: angielskie

The essentials of mergers and acquisitions (MA) practice can best be examined from a buyer's perspective. In a corporate transaction, it is the buyer who typically faces the more substantial risks. In many... czytaj dalej

Jewish in America
S. Blair Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This rare and original work of cultural studies offers uncommon and engaging perspectives -- as well as provocative and humorous insights -- on what it means to be Jewish in America.Jewish in America features... czytaj dalej

National Identity in Russian Culture
S. Franklin Wydawnictwo: brak danych

What is Russia? Who are Russians? What is 'Russianness'? The question of national identity has long been a vexed one in Russia, and is particularly pertinent in the post-Soviet period. For a thousand years... czytaj dalej

Impact of European Rights on National Legal Cultures
J. Aziz Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This book contributes to the debate about the impact of European Community Law on the national constitutional orders and cultures of the respective Member States. The author examines the doctrine of sovereignty... czytaj dalej

Świat mego ducha i wizje przyszłości
Stefan Ossowiecki Wydawnictwo: LTW

Książka zawiera filozofię życia wielkiego jasnowidza, jego pogląd na strukturę rzeczywistości, część nauk, które sprawiły, że uzyskał dostęp do mocy, będącej w zasięgu każdego z nas, a także zapisy i protokoły... czytaj dalej