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This thoroughly revised and updated second edition of Psychology for AS Level takes into account all the amendments to the AQA-A syllabus since the last edition was produced. The text is mapped more closely... czytaj dalej
'Esto no es cosa de armas' (this is not a matter for weapons). These were the last words of Don Francisco Gutierrez before Alonzo W. Allee shot and killed him and his son, Manuel Gutierrez. What began as a... czytaj dalej
In this collection of essays, Leszek Kolakowski delves into some of the most intellectually vigorous questions of our time.... czytaj dalej
Prentice Hall is proud to introduce Criminal Justice: Mainstream Crosscurrents by John Fuller, a brand new contemporary and comprehensive textbook option for your Introduction to Criminal Justice course. Building... czytaj dalej
Drawing on the conclusions of recent research, this book takes a more critical view of Peel's political career than is conventionally offered. It argues that, although Peel was an efficient administrator and... czytaj dalej
Southeastern Europe in the Middle Ages stood at a crossroads of trade and crusading routes and fell within the spheres of influence of both the Byzantine Orthodox Church and Latin Christendom. This innovative... czytaj dalej
In this book we have not collected any particularly elaborate, ingenious or rare recipes. What we have chosen are recipes for dishes that appear on the Polish table very often, while not forgetting about cooking... czytaj dalej
Niniejszy tom jest zbiorem tekstów koncentrujących się wokół problematyki wyznaczonej filozoficzną refleksją nad najbliższą przyszłością. Składa się on z artykułów poświęconych porspektywnym rozważaniom na... czytaj dalej
First published in 1987, Constructive Drinking is a series of original case studies organized into three sections based on three major functions of drinking. The three constructive functions are: that drinking... czytaj dalej
Zestawiając ze sobą "ekumenizm" i "dżihad", dwa słowa, których znaczenie wielu uważałoby za dziwne i kłócące się ze sobą, autor argumentuje, że powinniśmy zmienić nasze obecne kategorie... czytaj dalej