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India's Political Parties
Desouza Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This volume is the sixth in the series of essential readings on Indian government and politics and its focus is on political parties in India. It introduces the reader to the extensive and varied landscape... czytaj dalej

Working at Relational Depth in Counselling & Psychotherapy
D. Mearns Wydawnictwo: angielskie

"Working at Relational Depth in Counselling and Psychotherapy" is a ground-breaking text, which goes to the very heart of the therapeutic meeting between therapist and client. Focusing on the concept... czytaj dalej

Bialy Eaters Mimi Sheraton Cooking
Mimi Sheraton Wydawnictwo: brak danych

The legendary food writer tells the poignant, personal story of her worldwide search for a Polish town's lost culture and the daily bread that sustained it.A passion for bialys, those chewy crusty rolls with... czytaj dalej

American Voter Turnout
D. Hill Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This book addresses a question central to the study of American politics: why is turnout in American elections so low compared to other industrialized democracies? With a combination of existing and original... czytaj dalej

State Strategies In The Global Political Economy
R. Palan Wydawnictwo: inne

State Strategies in the Global Political Economy, Palan, Abbott and Deans argue that the state is not about to decline or 'wither away', but must restructure and evolve in response to forces of transnationalization... czytaj dalej

Amenity Migrants
L. Moss Wydawnictwo: brak danych

This is the first volume to be published that describes and explains the expanding, complex global phenomenon "amenity migration" and its profound effects on the natural environment and culture in... czytaj dalej

Documentary Research 4 vols
J. Scott Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Documentary research involves the use of texts and documents as source materials: government publications, newspapers, certificates, census publications, novels, film and video, paintings, personal photographs... czytaj dalej

German Legacy in East Central Europe as Recorded in Recent
V. Glajar Wydawnictwo: brak danych

This study focuses on the complex legacy of the German and Austrian political and cultural presence in East Central Europe in the twentieth century. It contributes to the discussion of "German" identity... czytaj dalej

Christine Jorgensen a Personal Autobiography
Ch Jorgensen Wydawnictwo: inne

An intimate memoir of the world's first publicised sex-change operation. In her down-to-earth style, Christine Jorgensen, formerly George, offers a first-hand account of her life as a long-suffering, sexually... czytaj dalej

Changing Face of Government Information
Kumar Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Comprehensively examines the way government documents' librarians acquire, provide access, and provide reference services in the new electronic environment. Noted experts discuss the impact electronic materials... czytaj dalej