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Sexuality Gender and Rights
G. Misra Wydawnictwo: angielskie

There is virtually no record of work on sexuality and rights in South and Southeast Asia, and even less to show how theory can link to practice. This volume fills the gap by demonstrating how the ideas of... czytaj dalej

Alternative Discourses in Asian Social Science
S. Alatas Wydawnictwo: angielskie

"Asian Social Science" situates Asian social sciences in the global context in terms of the perspectives that have evolved and the contributions they have made to the general body of knowledge in... czytaj dalej

Approaches to Human Geography
S. Aitken Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Approaches to Human Geography is the essential student primer on theory and practice in human geography. It is a systematic review of the key ideas and debates informing post-war geography, explaining how... czytaj dalej

Pluralism & Liberal Democracy
Richard Flathman Wydawnictwo: angielskie

In "Pluralism and Liberal Democracy" one of the country's most distinguished political theorists turns to the task of how best to explain, justify, and encourage the concept, practice, and institutionalization... czytaj dalej

Dictionary of Christian Biography
Walsh Wydawnictwo: inne

This dictionary is a rapid reference to those men and women who have, over the last two millennia, contributed to the life, history and study of Christianity in all its facets, regardless of denomination. Entries... czytaj dalej

John Paul II Poet & Philosopher
McNerney Wydawnictwo: inne

By becoming Pope, the philosopher Wojtyla precipitated the hitherto obscure school of phenomenological personalism on to the central stage of Catholic thought. This philosophical approach does not contradict... czytaj dalej

Thought of Pope Benedict XVI
Aidan Nichols Wydawnictwo: inne

Aidan Nichols' timely book is the first full-scale investigation of Joseph Ratzinger's theology in its development from the 1950s to the present day. It presents a chronological account of the development of... czytaj dalej

Maiden & Mother Devotions to BVM Troughout Year
Margaret Miles Wydawnictwo: brak danych

This collection of hymns, prayers, songs and poems in honour of the Virgin Mary are drawn from all centuries, from liturgical and non-liturgical sources. The material is arranged in sections following the Church's... czytaj dalej

Measurement 4 vols
D. Bartholomew Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Measurement is the cornerstone of science. Insofar as social science aims to be scientific it, too, must take measurement seriously. Yet measurement has not yet established for itself a central role in the... czytaj dalej

Race Against Death Peter Bergson America & the Holocaust
D. Wyman Wydawnictwo: angielskie

The unknown story of the man who led America's most effective campaign to rescue victims of the Holocaust, from the bestselling historian.In his landmark bestseller, The Abandonment of the Jews, David Wyman... czytaj dalej