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In Requiem for Communism Charity Scribner examines the politics of memory in post-industrial literature and art. Writers and artists from Europe's second world have responded to the last socialist crisis with... czytaj dalej
Art in Zion deals with the link between art and national ideology and specifically between the artistic activity that emerged in Jewish Palestine in the first decades of the twentieth century and the Zionist... czytaj dalej
Far from being a blank space on the Jewish map, or a void in the Jewish cultural world, post-Shoah Europe is a place where Jewry has continued to develop, even though it is facing different challenges and opportunities... czytaj dalej
Before its definitive fall into Turkish hands, the Byzantine Empire was the target of adventurers of many nations. Outstanding among these groups was the Almogaver army led by Roger of Flor, composed of mercenaries... czytaj dalej
This abridged version of 'Access to European Union' analyses all aspects of European integration: the method, the different stages and the institutions. It covers the main policies of the European Union in... czytaj dalej
Crusader castles have been the subject of academic study for well over a century but the castles constructed by Muslim powers in greater Syria have been comparatively neglected. This series of studies looks... czytaj dalej
Biblical scholars and students are finding the role of the Bible in film an increasingly absorbing and rewarding topic. There are films that retell biblical narratives and there are films that allude to the... czytaj dalej
integrated into other Community policies and activities. This book examines the extent to which, if at all, this Treaty provision requires the Community policy maker to adjust policies so as to ensure that... czytaj dalej
What kind of comparative advantage does the United Nations hold in the field of security compared to other actors such as states and regional organizations? What kind of asset does the United Nations have in... czytaj dalej
This publication evaluates the institutional record on conflict prevention, identifies current trends in conflict prevention practice and makes recommendations on improving organizational capacity. This volume... czytaj dalej