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This major philosophical work by the late Reiner Schürmann is one of the most important texts in modern continental philosophy, with resonance also for ancient, medieval, and modern European philosophy. In... czytaj dalej
The secret history of the fiercely beautiful art of fencing. Though fencing is seen as a graceful and noble sport, it is not without its seamy sides. By The Sword traces the darkness behind the mask, from the... czytaj dalej
Theoretical writing on the company and company law has been dominated in recent years by economics. This collection of essays by a distinguished team of authors drawn from a variety of disciplines seeks to... czytaj dalej
Newly revised and updated to include new maps, this is the seventh edition of Martin Gilberts atlas tracing the world-wide migrations of the Jews from ancient Mesopotamia to modern Israel. Spanning over four... czytaj dalej
Eddey Darbyshire, now in its seventh edition, continues to provide a concise and highly readable introduction to the contemporary legal system of England and Wales. The author draws on her considerable experience... czytaj dalej
This work: presents the essentials of commercial law in clear and straightforward language, explaining the basic principles; includes diagrams and flowcharts to ensure clarity of tricky areas; uses bulleted... czytaj dalej
Offers an account of the key philosophical work. This book sets Plato's work in context, introduces the major themes and provides a discussion of the key sections and passages of the text. It explores some... czytaj dalej
This highly readable book by renowned scholar and author Joseph Nye balances history and theory to give students of international politics a framework for analyzing the past and using it to understand the issues... czytaj dalej
Praise for the third edition "Glassman does not lean in the contemporary direction of over-simplification and 'pally' reading to motivate and hold the interest of TV and internet-wise youngsters with minimal... czytaj dalej
Most American Jews have roots in Eastern Europe. The experiences of our nineteenth and twentieth century ancestors continue to influence, in one way or another, thinking about Jewish art, literature, theatre... czytaj dalej