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Dixon Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Examining the remarkable life of Cornelia, famed as the epitome of virtue, fidelity and intelligence, Suzanne Dixon presents an in-depth study of the woman who perhaps represented the ideal of the Roman matrona... czytaj dalej

Reading Renaissance Ethics
Grossman Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Bringing together some of the best current practitioners of historical and formal criticism, "Reading Renaissance Ethics" assesses the ethical performance of renaissance texts as historical agents... czytaj dalej

Equity & Trusts
Weldon Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This title presents the essential facts and key principles of the most important cases in the area of equity and trusts law. It uses clear and straightforward language and summarises facts and decisions concisely... czytaj dalej

Working Alliance
A. Horvath Wydawnictwo: angielskie

In the past decade, the working alliance has emerged as possibly the most important conceptualization of the common elements in diverse therapy modalities. Created to define the relationship between a client... czytaj dalej

Political Handbook of Africa 2007
Tesi Wydawnictwo: brak danych

Political Handbook of Africa 2007 is your personal guide to the politics and issues of this vast, diverse continent. Important topics covered include religious and ethnic conflict, political and economic development... czytaj dalej

Pilgrim's Guide 2 vols
Alison Stones Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This text, written in Latin in the 12th century, is believed to be the first real travel book of the Middle Ages. The guide describes the pilgrim routes through France and Northern Spain to the shrine of St... czytaj dalej

Cultural Issues in Play Therapy
E. Gil Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Helping therapists hone their skills for working with diverse children and families, this unique volume looks at play therapy through a multicultural lens. Experienced practitioners examine how cultural factors... czytaj dalej

Philosophical & Political History of the Settlements 6 vols
A. Raynal Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Abbe Raynal's "A Philosophical and Political History of the Settlements and Trade of the Europeans in the East and West Indies" is one of the great eighteenth-century histories. It attempts no less... czytaj dalej

Medytacje pascaliańskie
Pierre Boudieu Wydawnictwo: Oficyna Naukowa

Świat społeczny byłby lepiej poznany, a naukowe wypowiedzi na jego temat bardziej zrozumiałe, gdybyśmy mogli się przekonać, że niewiele jest przedmiotów trudniejszych do poznania. Szczególną cechą socjologa... czytaj dalej

Harmonic Mind v 2
M. Smolensky Wydawnictwo: brak danych

An integrated connectionist/symbolic architecture of the mind/brain, applied to neural/genomic realisation of grammar; aequisition, processing, and typology in phonology and syntax; and foundations of cognitive... czytaj dalej