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This clear and balanced introduction to perception examines all the major and minor senses, including vision, hearing, touch, balance, taste and smell. It provides the reader with a thorough analysis of our... czytaj dalej
Members of the Polish air force fought through the defeat of their own country in 1939 and then alongside the French until the fall of France the following year, when they made their varied ways to Britain... czytaj dalej
The Shade of Swords is the first cohesive history of Jihad, written by one of India's leading journalists and writers. In this paperback edition, updated to show how and why Saddam Hussein repositioned himself... czytaj dalej
This book presents an extensive collection of cases, statutory provisions, recently published articles and comments designed to define, explain and illustrate the main principles of criminal law. It places... czytaj dalej
Trauma and its often symptomatic aftermath pose acute problems for historical representation and understanding. In this study, Dominick LaCapra offers a broad-ranging, critical enquiry into the problem of trauma... czytaj dalej
A Practical Guide to Drafting Patents provides a positive set of rules and approaches to help practitioners draft effective patents which accommodate both the legal and commercial issues involved. It provides... czytaj dalej
Adam Sikora jest historykiem filozofii i myśli społecznej, emerytowanym profesorem Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego. Między wiecznością a czasem to zbiór filozoficznych esejów na temat Hioba, romantycznej koncepcji... czytaj dalej
"Central Eurasian Water Crisis" refers to the awareness by the global community that, in the 21st century, people in various regions around the world will likely face problems of water quality and... czytaj dalej
The causes and consequences of the filibusters' armed, illegal invasions of foreign countries; This fascinating study sheds new light on antebellum America's notorious "filibusters" - the freebooters... czytaj dalej
A textbook for students of American foreign policy, with an accompanying website to help lecturers enhance classroom lessonsCrafting foreign policy in America is a pluralistic process involving Members of Congress... czytaj dalej