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Kim jesteś, gdy nikt nie patrzy
Hybels Bill Wydawnictwo: Esprit

Dajemy z siebie wszystko, gdy ktoś nas ocenia. Ale jacy jesteśmy, gdy nikt nie patrzy? To wtedy na jaw wychodzi charakter - bycie konsekwentnym nawet wtedy, gdy wydaje się, że jest to bez znaczenia. Odwaga... czytaj dalej

Elections in the Americas A Data Handbook v 1
Nohlen Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This two-volume work continues the series of election data handbooks published by OUP. It presents a first-ever compendium of electoral data for all 35 countries in the Americas since the introduction of universal... czytaj dalej

Long Walk to Freedom v.2
Nelson Mandela Wydawnictwo: inne

The riveting memoirs of the outstanding moral and political leader of our time, LONG WALK TO FREEDOM brilliantly recreates the drama of the experiences that helped shape Nelson Mandela's destiny. From his imprisonment... czytaj dalej

Essays in Sociology of Perception
M. Douglas Wydawnictwo: angielskie

First published in 1982, this is one of Mary Douglas' favourite books. It is based on her meetings with friends in which they attempt to apply the grip/group analysis from Natural Symbols. The essays have been... czytaj dalej

British Civilization
Oakland Wydawnictwo: angielskie

The sixth edition of this highly praised textbook has been rigorously updated and revised. British Civilization provides a comprehensive introduction to a wide range of aspects of today's Britain, including... czytaj dalej

Memory of Body
J. Kott Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Kott, an emigre professor and Shakespeare scholar who came to the United States from Poland in 1966, regards the subjects of his essays from an atypical perspective of an outsider but also of an intellectual... czytaj dalej

Prawda i kłamstwo w filozofii i polityce
Tadeusz Mendelski Wydawnictwo: brak danych

Prawda i kłamstwo w filozofii i polityce jest pierwszą częścią tryptyku, przedstawiającego ideowe batalie rozgrywające się dziś wokółzasad myślenia europejskiego, znajdujących się ciągle in statu nascendi.... czytaj dalej

Futurizing Jews Alternative Futures for Meaningful Jewish Ex
T. Bisk Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Bisk and Dror present a thought-provoking examination of where the Jewish People are at the beginning of the 21st Century, how they go from there, and where they should be going if they want to survive. They... czytaj dalej

Old Testament Pseudepigrapha v.1 Apocalyptic Literature & Te
J. Charlesworth Wydawnictwo: brak danych

The writers of the Bible depended on other sources for much of their work. Some of these sources may be lost forever, but many have recently come to light. Known as the pseudepigrapha, they are made available here in volumes.... czytaj dalej

Freely I Served
S. Sosabowski Wydawnictwo: inne

The memoirs of this well known Polish airborne General of WW 2, the author was born in Poland and saw service in the Austrian Army in World War I. He joined the newly created Polish Army in 1918 and served... czytaj dalej