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Zabawy dla maluchów
Bartl Almuth, Nitsch Cornelia Wydawnictwo: Jedność

W książce tej rodzice i wychowawcy znajdą wiele propozycji nowych i oryginalnych zabaw na cały dzień i na przeróżne okazje - zabaw, które całkowicie pochłoną uwagę małych dzieci, ale przede wszystkim zapewnią... czytaj dalej

Renegade Regimes Confronting Deviant Behavior in World
M. Nincic Wydawnictwo: inne

Illuminates the complex issues and policy choices surrounding clashes between international society and states that challenge the majority's espoused interests and values. This work considers states' deviant... czytaj dalej

City in Cultural Context
John Agnew Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Routledge Library Editions: The City reprints some of the most important works in urban studies published in the last century. For further information on this collection please email info.research@routledge.co.uk.... czytaj dalej

Urban Governance Voice & Poverty in the Developing World
N. Devas Wydawnictwo: brak danych

In this book an international team of researchers examines the hitherto little-studied relationship between urban governance and growing poverty. The core of the book is the result of three years of research... czytaj dalej

NATO Enlargement Illusions & Reality
Ted Galen,Barbara Corny Wydawnictwo: brak danych

NATO enlargement reflects a failure on the part of policymakers to recognize new strategic realities--and that failure could have dangerous unintended consequeces... czytaj dalej

Richter Wydawnictwo: angielskie

In theological literature, the colloquial Greek term oikonomia has several meanings, and only becomes a theological concept through its context. In the New Testament, it signifies God#8217;s rule, but it is... czytaj dalej

Ottoman Mentality The World of Evliya Celebi
R. Dankoff Wydawnictwo: brak danych

In his huge travel account, Evliya Celebi provides materials for getting at Ottoman perceptions of the world, not only in areas like geography, topography, administration, urban institutions, and social and... czytaj dalej

Special Providence American Foreing Policy & How it Changed
Mead Wydawnictwo: angielskie

When Mead (US foreign policy, Council on Foreign Relations) began research for a book on US foreign policy at the end of the Cold War, he found discrepancies with the traditional view that foreign policy was... czytaj dalej

Child & Adolescent Development 5e
K. Seifert Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Incorporating a solid research base with real-life applications, Child and Adolescent Development illustrates the cognitive, psychosocial, and physical development of children in the context of today's society... czytaj dalej

Encyclopedia Of Government & Politics v 2
M. Hawkesworth Wydawnictwo: angielskie

* Provides a balanced, comprehensive account of contemporary trends in world, regional and nation-state government and politics * Captures the global changes, both theoretical and factual, of the past three... czytaj dalej