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Jon Hovde's journey begins with despair and the struggle to stay alive and ends with hope and the inspiration to live. As a twenty-year-old soldier in Vietnam, Hovde lost an arm and a leg when the armored personnel... czytaj dalej
'An excellent summary of Rogers' life and work and of the latest developments in person-centred therapy' - Professor Brian Thorne, Co-founder of The Norwich Centre, Norwich `Clear, thorough and succinctly... czytaj dalej
Przedmiotem rozważań Autorki jest Bukowno, 11-tysięczne miasto należące od 1 stycznia 1999 roku do województwa małopolskiego. Miasteczko, z uwagi na położenie geograficzne u styku dwóch obszarów różnych pod... czytaj dalej
For courses in Legal Environment of Business. This best-selling text focuses on how the legal environment impacts business decisions, representing the single most up-to-date book available for the Legal Environment... czytaj dalej
Recording or assessing a wide canvas of concurrently running events is difficult, as a crisis and the international response to it develop in stages. This work sets out to record the environment of the Cotonou... czytaj dalej
Bringing together as it does papers delivered at the 1986 and 1987 meetings of the Studiorum Novi Testamenti Societas Pseudepigrapha Seminar, this collection takes as its theme the Testament of Job. For much... czytaj dalej
An innovative study that examines how peaceful, domestic tactics by individual human rights activists and organizational activists, with public support, can force an authoritarian regime to make key concessions... czytaj dalej
Though more and more religious organizations increasingly attempt to use marketing techniques to improve response, little literature exists to explain crucial concepts, terms and strategies. "The Concise... czytaj dalej
Originally published by Holt, Rinehart and Winston in 1968, and subsequently by Schocken Books in 1982. This reprint makes available Wiesel's graceful and emotionally charged biographical narrative. Annotation... czytaj dalej
Using examples of Western coopting of Eastern/alternative health practices such as yoga and macrobiotic diets, Lau (English and women's studies, U. of Utah) analyzes how New Age ideology has been commodified... czytaj dalej