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This student friendly introduction to contemporary concepts and ideas will show why an understanding of political concepts is crucial to an understanding of political issues. By using real-life examples to... czytaj dalej
Examining existing major corporations such as Disney, AOL, Time Warner and News Corporation, and new networks emerging including Al Jazeera, Indian Films and Brazilian TV in China, Media on the Move provides... czytaj dalej
This best-selling introduction to statistical analysis in the social sciences provides the right balance of conceptual understanding and step-by-step computational techniques.Written to be understandable to... czytaj dalej
Accessible and clearly written, Developmental Psychopathology encourages students to żthink developmentallyż about psychopathology as it develops from childhood through adolescence, under the assumption that... czytaj dalej
Gathering together key writings and many single-authored essays in to a handy one-volume resource, this is the only Reader currently available on political communication. The selected texts and articles have... czytaj dalej
An invaluable text for medical students and health professionals, Sociology as Applied to Medicine 4/e offers a comprehensive but accessible introduction to the sociology of health, illness and health policy... czytaj dalej
Written by one of the world's top neuroscientists and suitable for introductory courses on physiological psychology, and psychology and brain science, this text introduces students to the biological workings... czytaj dalej
In John Russo and Sherry Lee Linkon's book, contributors trace the origins of the new working-class studies, explore how it is being developed both within and across fields, and identify key themes and issues... czytaj dalej
Killing Freud takes the reader on a journey through the 20th century, tracing the work and influence of one of its greatest icons, Sigmund Freud. A devastating critique, the book ranges across the strange case... czytaj dalej
The concept of the 'ideal city' is, perhaps, more important today - when planners and architects are so firmly confined by considerations of our immediate environment - than ever before. Yet, it is a concept... czytaj dalej