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State Support for Religious Education
A. Bayefsky Wydawnictwo: brak danych

This book is an essential tool for those interested in the vital relationship between international human rights law and domestic policy. It explores this subject in the context of public funding for religious... czytaj dalej

Nationalism & Beyond
C. Misch Wydawnictwo: brak danych

This book is a readable introduction to the concepts and principles shaping the philosophical debate around Nationalism. This title explains a contemporary moral debate in clear terms, and has been written... czytaj dalej

Barcelona Council v 1 No 2
P. Ludlow Wydawnictwo: brak danych

This is the second volume in a new series of commentaries on every meeting of the European Council. Based on extensive unpublished and unattributable sources, it gives a unique insight into how the EU works... czytaj dalej

Contemporary Sociological Theory
R. Wallance Wydawnictwo: angielskie

For one-semester, junior/senior-level courses in Contemporary Sociological Theory. This text examines the assumptions and concepts of the five major sociological theories and the classical roots of the modern... czytaj dalej

Nonverbal Behavior in Clinical Settings
P. Philippot Wydawnictwo: angielskie

During the past 25 years, the study of nonverbal behaviour has become a significant subarea of psychology. Employing a variety of approaches and encompassing numerous perspectives, researchers have made important... czytaj dalej

Great War An Imperial History
J. Morrow Wydawnictwo: angielskie

The Great War is a landmark new history that firmly places the First World War in the context of imperialism. Set to overturn conventional accounts of what happened during this, the first truly international... czytaj dalej

A. Baker Wydawnictwo: angielskie

From the thunderous cavalry charge mounted to the firm recital of a solemn vow and the gentle murmurings of courtly love, echoes of the medieval knight live in the modern imagination as enduring symbols of... czytaj dalej

Breakdown of Will (Hardcover)
G. Ainslie Wydawnictwo: brak danych

Ainslie argues that our responses to the threat of our own inconsistency determine the basic fabric of human culture. He suggests that individuals are more like populations of bargaining agents than like the... czytaj dalej

Russian Pulp
Anthony Olcott Wydawnictwo: angielskie

The detektiv, Russia's version of the murder mystery, has conquered what in Soviet days loved to call itself the most reading nation on earth. The first full-length study of the genre, Russian Pulp vividly... czytaj dalej

Aquinas on God
R. Velde Wydawnictwo: inne

Aquinas on God presents an accessible exploration of Thomas Aquinas' conception of God. Focusing on the Summa theologiae - the work containing Aquinas' most systematic and complete exposition of the Christian... czytaj dalej