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Criminalization of Competition Law Enforcement
Cseres Wydawnictwo: brak danych

This timely book brings together contributions from prominent scholars and practitioners to the ongoing debate on the criminalization of competition law enforcement. Recognizing that existing remedies and sanctions... czytaj dalej

Politics of Migration A Survey
B. Marshall Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This new collection includes essays covering specific themes in the field of migration and geographic overviews, written by a variety of academics and experts. It also contains key maps and a glossary covering... czytaj dalej

International Politics
Robert Art Wydawnictwo: inne

With an abundance of new essays reflecting the ever-changing landscape of world politics, the eighth edition of this renowned reader provides students with comprehensive coverage of the most important IR concepts... czytaj dalej

Clusters & Globalisation
R. Sugden Wydawnictwo: brak danych

Clustering as an economic policy concern has become increasingly fashionable. The authors of this book shed light on this subject on which there remains remarkably little understanding, and even less agreement... czytaj dalej

Oxford Handbook of Political Economy
B. Weingast Wydawnictwo: angielskie

TheOxford Handbooks of Political Science is a ten-volume set of reference books offering authoritative and engaging critical overviews of the state of political science. Each volume focuses on a particular... czytaj dalej

Russian Presidency
B. Nichols Wydawnictwo:

Why has Russian democracy apparently survived and even strengthened under a presidential system, when so many other presidential regimes have decayed into authoritarian rule? And what are the origins of presidential... czytaj dalej

Culture Institutions & Economic Development
M. Keating Wydawnictwo: brak danych

Regions are increasingly recognised as a key aspect of economic change in Europe, not merely as geographic spaces but also as social systems. Their history, culture, institutions and patterns of leadership... czytaj dalej

Endogenous Time Preferences in Social Networks
Marianna Klochko Wydawnictwo: brak danych

'Peter Ordeshook is an outstanding scholar and is addressing a very important question. As he points out on the first page of Chapter 1, social norms do exist and are adhered to, constitutions survive, people... czytaj dalej

Civilisation progressive de la francophonie Niveau interm‚di
J. Noutchi‚ Njik‚ Wydawnictwo: inne

La Civilisation progressive de la francophonie est un ouvrage destiné aux étudiants de niveau intermédiaire en français. Dans l'esprit de la collection et en quatre couleurs, cet ouvrage présente, décrit et... czytaj dalej

Peacekeepers Politicians & Warlords
A. Alao Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Recording or assessing a wide canvas of concurrently running events is difficult, as a crisis and the international response to it develop in stages. This work sets out to record the environment of the Cotonou... czytaj dalej