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Researching Real World Problems
Z. O'Leary Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This is the perfect book for any student new to Research Methods. It is brilliantly written, witty, and always easy to understand. Taking as her starting point the need for students to conduct research... czytaj dalej

Comparative Youth Justice
J. Muncie Wydawnictwo: angielskie

'In this pathbreaking volume Muncie and Goldson bring together leading authors to examine and compare youth justice systems around the world. Comparative Youth Justice will be of interest to all criminologists... czytaj dalej

Power & Choice
Shively Wydawnictwo: angielskie

The extensively revised tenth edition of W. Phillips Shively's "Power and Choice: An Introduction to Political Science" provides a general, comparative introduction to the major concepts and themes... czytaj dalej

Oxford Handbook of Evolutionary Psychology
R. Dunbar Wydawnictwo: angielskie

The Oxford Handbook of Evolutionary Psychology provides a comprehensive overview of the latest developments in this fast-growing area of research. With contributions from over fifty experts in the field, the... czytaj dalej

Understanding the Political World
James Danziger Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Understanding the Political World is a dynamic and accessible introduction to the fascinating world of politics and the ways in which political scientists attempt to describe and explain it. Using a strong... czytaj dalej

Inter Act
K. Verderber Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Designed to help students understand communication processes in relationships and develop specific skills needed to create and maintain healthy ones, the eleventh edition retains the features that have made... czytaj dalej

Key Words in Buddhism
R. Geaves Wydawnictwo: inne

Written in response to students' worries over the demands of dealing with a range of complex and unfamiliar concepts, this handy reference book enables readers to grasp the essentials of Buddhism up to graduate... czytaj dalej

Fifty Key Sociologists
J. Scott Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Fifty Key Sociologists: The Contemporary Theorists covers the life, work, ideas and impact of some of the most important thinkers in this discipline. Concentrating on figures writing predominantly in the second... czytaj dalej

Pomiędzy marzeniami a faktami
Szymczyk Jan Wydawnictwo: Norbertinum

Niniejsza książka podejmuje ważne problemy z dziedziny socjologii i urządzenia świata społecznego. Omawiane są w niej następujące zagadnienia: struktura i funkcje organizacji społecznych (formalnych), kategorie... czytaj dalej

Introduction to Social Work
O. Farley Wydawnictwo: inne

This classic introductory social work text provides a comprehensive and historical view of social work to help students better understand and appreciate the profession. In its Tenth Edition, this classic text... czytaj dalej