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The Templars fought against Islam in the crusader east for nearly two centuries. During that time the original small band grew into a formidable army, backed by an extensive network of preceptories in the Latin... czytaj dalej
`A perfect companion text for graduate courses on family theories. It is refreshing to have a single author pull no punches in articulating a viewpoint on where we have gone astray in family theory and how... czytaj dalej
Using examples of Western coopting of Eastern/alternative health practices such as yoga and macrobiotic diets, Lau (English and women's studies, U. of Utah) analyzes how New Age ideology has been commodified... czytaj dalej
A leader of "the new Europe" offers a unique perspective on recent history. A stalwart ally and strategic partner in the war against terror and a new member of NATO, Romania with its vibrant democracy... czytaj dalej
Moda jest bardzo ważnym mechanizmem budowania więzi społecznej w erze postzakazowej. Można powiedzieć, że bez sprawnie funkcjonującej maszynerii mody społeczeństwa kręgu kultury euroamerykańskiej w swojej obecnej... czytaj dalej
The War for a Nation provides a brief introduction to the American Civil War from the perspective of military personnel and civilians who participated in the conflict. Susan-Mary Grant brings the war, its many... czytaj dalej
Two thirds of global internet users are non-English speakers. Despite this, most scholarly literature on the internet and computer-mediated-communication (CMC) focuses exclusively on English. This is the first... czytaj dalej
Revise A2 Psychology: Key Topics has been updated and amended in line with the latest AQA-A A2 syllabus specification. This user-friendly revision guide has been designed to support the new A2 Psychology: Key... czytaj dalej
This Open University co-publication is aimed at 2nd and 3rd year undergraduates and sets out to explore the significance of social psychology in the 21st century. It provides coverage of the main topics in... czytaj dalej
Designed to help students understand communication processes in relationships and develop specific skills needed to create and maintain healthy ones, the eleventh edition retains the features that have made... czytaj dalej