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'Iris Murdoch has written a book which concerns all of us as human beings-There are pages here that one wants to embrace her for, pages that say things of fundamental human importance in a way that they have... czytaj dalej
Can science explain everything? Brian Ridley, a physicist himself, explores this question and more in this compelling exploration of both the scope and limits of science. Tracing back to the roots of scientific... czytaj dalej
This is the first book to provide a systematic treatment of the economics of antitrust (or competition policy) in a global context. It draws on the literature of industrial organisation and on original analyses... czytaj dalej
Although commonly believed that males are more promiscuous than females, new research has revealed that female infidelity is a common occurrence throughout the animal kingdom. Female Infidelity and Paternal... czytaj dalej
A comprehensive, student-oriented text that provides students a challenging first look at social statistics by illustrating the application of statistics to contemporary social issues. Students learn to read... czytaj dalej
The new edition of Groups reflects the author's unique combination of academic expertise and group consultant experience by including the latest research on group dynamics and the most current views on ways... czytaj dalej
Offering comprehensive, balanced coverage of basic communication theory, interpersonal and group communication and public speaking skills, Berko has been a solid player in the hybrid market for the past 30... czytaj dalej
Reflections on science, culture, and society, by the acclaimed author of The Woods Hole Cantata and The Doctor with Two Heads. In this retrospective of Gerald Weissmann's best-known essays, the reader is treated... czytaj dalej
Near the beginning of the twentieth century, thousands of Polish immigrants embarked upon the American Dream in Worcester as the cityís lowest-paid mill workers. Slowly, they carved out their own iPolonia,î... czytaj dalej
of dollars are spent every year by companies and special interest groups attempting to influence government policy. They work behind the scenes, lobbying politicians to represent their interests. From tobacco... czytaj dalej