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Introduction to Competition Law
Slot Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Competition law is a subject of central importance. Reports in the press concerning the subject appear almost daily. An accessible introduction to this legal field is thus indispensable for students and practitioners... czytaj dalej

Colonial Urban Development
King Wydawnictwo: angielskie

The Study focuses on the social and, more especially, the cultural processes governing colonial urban development and develops a theory and methodology to do this. The author demonstrates how the physical and... czytaj dalej

Green Political Thought
A. Dobson Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This highly acclaimed introduction to green political thought is now available in a new edition, having been fully revised and updated to take into account the areas which have grown in importance since the... czytaj dalej

Pursuit of Glory Europe 1648-1815
T. Blanning Wydawnictwo: inne

The new volume in the acclaimed Penguin History of Europe series takes on thegreater 18th century in all its revolutionary glory. ... czytaj dalej

Policies & Perceptions of Insurance Law in the Twenty First
M. Clarke Wydawnictwo: angielskie

In this book, Professor Malcolm Clarke provides a critical introduction to the English law of insurance contracts and presents the rules in both their legal and socio-economic contexts. He sets out the principles... czytaj dalej

Imperialism & Postcolonialism
B. Bush Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Imperialism and Postcolonialism is a comprehensive look at the history of empire, from the Roman times to the present American empire. The book looks at changes in the way that imperialism has been understood... czytaj dalej

Political Behavior of the American Electorate
W. Flanigan Wydawnictwo: brak danych

Focuses on the American elections and voting behavior. ... czytaj dalej

Qualitative Research
G. Shank Wydawnictwo: angielskie

A practical, basic-skills text for qualitative research courses in any discipline.  Provides instruction and exercises on observing, interviewing, participating, interpreting and a number of other skills that... czytaj dalej

Men & Masculinities 4 vols
S. Whitehead Wydawnictwo: angielskie

The sociology of masculinity only began to assume a real significance from the late 1980s onwards, when it emerged out of the second-wave of feminist research sweeping through American, European and Australasian... czytaj dalej

Historical Atlas of the Islamic World
Azim Nanji, Malise Ruthven Wydawnictwo: angielskie

There is without question immense general and academic interest in theIslamic world at present. After the attacks on New York and Washington inSeptember 2001 and the wars on Afghanistan and Iraq, `Islamic Fundamentalism... czytaj dalej