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History of the Modern World is a careful, well-written narrative of major events from the late Middle Ages to the political and religious conflicts at the beginning of the twenty-first century. It offers a... czytaj dalej
David Myers' Social Psychology continues to set the standard by which other Social Psychology texts are judged. Its renowned authorżs engaging writing style and unique, intimate voice make the text compelling... czytaj dalej
GLOBAL STUDIES is a unique series designed to provide comprehensive background information and selected world press articles on the regions and countries of the world. Each GLOBAL STUDIES volume includes an... czytaj dalej
Over the past decade, Mary Pipher has been a great source of wisdom, helping us to better understand our family members. Now she connects us with the newest members of the American family--refugees. In cities... czytaj dalej
In a mixture of travel, adventure, and scholarship, historian Tudor Parfitt sets out in search of answers to a fascinating ethnological puzzle: is the Lemba tribe of Southern Africa really one of the lost tribes... czytaj dalej
This new textbook invites readers to explore their own responses to debates about democracy's meaning. It provides tools for thinking actively about democracy as a practice, an ideal, and a site of contestation... czytaj dalej
As the field of sexuality studies has become a growth area in academia and classes on sexuality studies are incorporated into various disciplines, the expanding book market has been filled with specialist oriented... czytaj dalej
Although this brief edition is two-thirds the length of its full-length counterpart, it retains coverage of all major themes and maintains the authors' commitment to providing a truly global perspective on... czytaj dalej
This reader offers two readings per chapter organized in a debate-style format, representing opposing viewpoints. The straightforward, thought-provoking presentation facilitates classroom discussion.Chapter... czytaj dalej
Globalization has brought with it many difficult and contradictory phenomena: violence, deep national insecurities, religious divisions and individual insecurities. This book takes a critical look at three... czytaj dalej