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Narrative Methods 4 Vols
Atkinson Wydawnictwo: angielskie

In recent years, there has been a convergence of interest on narratives and lives from many qualitative and interpretative strands in the social sciences that encompass sociology and anthropology, health... czytaj dalej

Making a Spectacle of Bullying
K. Baker Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This is the first in a series of creative and practical resources to link the school assembly with the Personal, Social, Citizenship and Health Education (PSCHE) curriculum and the national literacy objectives... czytaj dalej

Warfare State and Society on the Black Sea Steppe 1500-1700
B. Davies Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This crucial period in Russia's history has, up until now, been neglected by historians, but here Brian L. Davies's study provides an essential insight into the emergence of Russia as a great power. For nearly... czytaj dalej

Psychology for Nurses & Allied Health Professionals
Gross Wydawnictwo: inne

Psychology for Nurses and Allied Health Professionals is a brand new textbook written for all those studying and working in nursing and in the allied health professions, including midwifery and health visiting... czytaj dalej

India under Colonial Rule 1700-1885
D. Peers Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Between 1700 and 1885 the British became the paramount power on the Indian subcontinent, their authority extending from Sri Lankain the south to the Himalayasin the north. It was a massive empire, inspiring... czytaj dalej

Birth Crisis
K. Kitzinger Wydawnictwo: angielskie

One new mother in twenty is diagnosed with traumatic stress after childbirth. In Birth Crisis Sheila Kitzinger explores the disempowerment and anxiety experienced by these women. Key topics discussed include:... czytaj dalej

Practical Guide to Teaching Modern Foreign Languages in the
N. Pachler Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This practical guide offers valuable support for student-teachers and teachers in their early professional development. Divided into three sections it covers: key pedagogical issues and planning developing... czytaj dalej

Socjologia w szkołach wyższych w Polsce
Szafraniec Krystyna, Wincławski Włodzimierz (red.) Wydawnictwo: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Mikołaja Kopernika

Zainicjowane z końcem lat osiemdziesiątych głębokie przemiany ustrojowe w Polsce przyniosły m.in. znaczące przekształcenia w szkolnictwie wyższym, w tym w zakresie kształcenia socjologów i w nauczaniu socjologii... czytaj dalej

Bukowno. Między Małopolską a Górnym Śląskiem
Wilk Teresa Wydawnictwo: Oficyna Wydawnicza Impuls

Przedmiotem rozważań Autorki jest Bukowno, 11-tysięczne miasto należące od 1 stycznia 1999 roku do województwa małopolskiego. Miasteczko, z uwagi na położenie geograficzne u styku dwóch obszarów różnych pod... czytaj dalej

Legal Environment of Business & Online Commerce
Henry Cheeseman Wydawnictwo: angielskie

For courses in Legal Environment of Business. This best-selling text focuses on how the legal environment impacts business decisions, representing the single most up-to-date book available for the Legal Environment... czytaj dalej