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Warum Kant Heute
Heidemann Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This volume offers a systematic overview of Kantian philosophy and of central currents and developments in contemporary philosophy.... czytaj dalej

International Commission & the Power of Ideas
R. Thakur Wydawnictwo: angielskie

How are good ideas for enhancing global governance converted into policy initiatives and international institutions? One major route has been through international commissions. The names of many are well known:... czytaj dalej

Refugees & Forced Displacement
E. Newman Wydawnictwo: angielskie

In seeking to address the conflict between security concerns and migratory flows, the book argues for reappraisal of the legal, political, normative, institutional and conceptual frameworks through which the... czytaj dalej

Albania in Occupation & War
O. Pearson Wydawnictwo: angielskie

"Albania in the Twentieth Century: A History" represents an unparalleled achievement in scholarship on Albania. Owen Pearson presents a complete account of the twentieth century in Albania, from its... czytaj dalej

Learning & Memory
J. Byrne Wydawnictwo: brak danych

This volume provides an overview of the full range of current knowledge about learning and memory. A thorough revision of the 1992 edition of "The Encyclopedia of Learning and Memory", the second... czytaj dalej

Managing Teacher Appraisal & Performance
Middlewood Wydawnictwo: angielskie

The biggest single issue currently facing school managers is how they should appraise their staff and what the implications of the process are. This edited collection brings together the latest thinking on... czytaj dalej

R. Lee Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Asian America.Net demonstrates how Asian Americans have both defined and been defined by electronic technology, illuminating the complex networks of identity, community, and history in the digital age.... czytaj dalej

Leadership & Negotiation in the European Union
J. Tallberg Wydawnictwo: brak danych

Jonas Tallberg offers a novel perspective on some of the most fundamental questions about international cooperation and European Union politics. Offering the first systematic theoretical and empirical exploration... czytaj dalej

Great Satan Vs. the Mad Mullahs
W. Beeman Wydawnictwo: angielskie

The United States and Iran have been estranged for 25 years. They have carried out a mutual process of demonization that is unprecedented in modern history, based on cultural "hot buttons" that have... czytaj dalej

Environmental Health Policy
Landon Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This book considers the key threats to human health from the physical environment and the policies that might be pursued to minimise those risks. It covers how risks can be identified and quantified and how... czytaj dalej