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Managing Teacher Appraisal & Performance
Middlewood Wydawnictwo: angielskie

The biggest single issue currently facing school managers is how they should appraise their staff and what the implications of the process are. This edited collection brings together the latest thinking on... czytaj dalej

Political Communication Reader
Negrine Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Gathering together key writings and many single-authored essays in to a handy one-volume resource, this is the only Reader currently available on political communication. The selected texts and articles have... czytaj dalej

R. Lee Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Asian America.Net demonstrates how Asian Americans have both defined and been defined by electronic technology, illuminating the complex networks of identity, community, and history in the digital age.... czytaj dalej

Are We Thinking Straight?
D. Cortese Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This book highlights the strategic deployment of a straight identity by an LGBT organization. Cortese explores the ways in which activists strategically use a "straight" identity as a social movement... czytaj dalej

Universal Hunger for Liberty
Novak Wydawnictwo: inne

Starting with 9/11 and continuing with the struggle for peace in Iraq, the West has been forced to interact more fully with the civilization of Islam. In The Universal Hunger for Liberty, statesman and award-winning... czytaj dalej

For Zion's Sake
F. Sha'ban Wydawnictwo: angielskie

'Fuad Sha#8217;ban#8217;s study of America#8217;s early ideological engagements with the Arab Islamic world remains an important treatise for anyone who is seriously concerned about the United States#8217;... czytaj dalej

Peaceful Resistance
Press Wydawnictwo: inne

An innovative study that examines how peaceful, domestic tactics by individual human rights activists and organizational activists, with public support, can force an authoritarian regime to make key concessions... czytaj dalej

Accounting for Culture
Andrew Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Many scholars, practitioners, and policy-makers in the cultural sector argue that Canadian cultural policy is at a crossroads: that the environment for cultural policy-making has evolved substantially and that... czytaj dalej

New Age Capitalism
K. Lau Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Using examples of Western coopting of Eastern/alternative health practices such as yoga and macrobiotic diets, Lau (English and women's studies, U. of Utah) analyzes how New Age ideology has been commodified... czytaj dalej

Killing Freud
J. DuFresne Wydawnictwo: inne

Killing Freud takes the reader on a journey through the 20th century, tracing the work and influence of one of its greatest icons, Sigmund Freud. A devastating critique, the book ranges across the strange case... czytaj dalej