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This is one of the most notorious miscarriages of justice in recent American history, vividly told by the award-winning reporter who broke the story. In the summer of 1999, in the tiny west Texas town of Tulia... czytaj dalej
Piórczyński J.: Pierwszy egzystencjalista. filozofia absolutnejskończoności Fryderyka Jacobiego. - Wrocław: wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Wrocławskiego, 2006 r. - 285 s. - opr. tw., obw., seria: Monografie Fundacji... czytaj dalej
Mother Teresa was one of the most written about and publicised women in modern times. Apart from Pope John Paul II, she was arguably the most advertised religious celebrity in the last quarter of the twentieth... czytaj dalej
From the exploits on the field to the machinations in the front office to the cities where they play, the author presents the team history of each of the thirty MLB teams. Intelligent, in-depth essays provide... czytaj dalej
Developed form a major research report for the Department of the Environment, this book presents a comprehensive analysis of the problems experienced when the green belt restraint was implemented around London... czytaj dalej
This highly original book represents a major advance in the use of patents to compare countries#8217; technological competitiveness. It tabulates and analyses 280,000 United States patents from countries across... czytaj dalej
With over 180 maps, expert commentaries and an extensive bibliography, this second edition of an essential reference guide to medieval Europe brings the complex and colourful history of the Middle Ages to life... czytaj dalej
A secondary source reader, this book contains essays written by historians, many by the leading historian(s) on a particular subject. The collection has a loosely biographical focus and stresses the human side... czytaj dalej
The black women's club movement is frequently seen as definitive of "first-wave" African American feminism. However, this six-volume collection from the "History of Feminism" series draws... czytaj dalej
"Mussolini and Fascist Italy" explains the significance of the man, the movement and the regime which dominated Italian life between 1922 and the Second World War. The third edition of this best-selling... czytaj dalej