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Mining Envirnomental Policy
M. Hamilton Wydawnictwo: inne

Illustrated by a detailed comparative examination of mining regulations and environmental impact assessment (EIA) in the USA (the second largest producer of coal in the world) and Indonesia (the eighth largest... czytaj dalej

Law of Armed Conflict
H. Hensel Wydawnictwo: inne

Modern armed conflict has taken a variety of forms and occurs at a variety of levels, raising serious questions concerning the relationship between the law of armed conflict and the reality of contemporary... czytaj dalej

Statistical Methods for Practice & Research
A. Singh Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This book is designed to help managers and researchers in solving statistical problems using SPSS and to help them understand how they can use various statistical tools for their own research problems. SPSS... czytaj dalej

Political Philosophy & the God of Abraham
T. Pangle Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Scholar Thomas L. Pangle brings back a lost dimension of political theory: the mutually illuminating encounter between skeptically rationalist political philosophy and faith-based political theology guided... czytaj dalej

Sexualities in Context
R. Plante Wydawnictwo: angielskie

With its broad overview of the socio-cultural elements of sexualities, this book is the ideal textbook to help students recognize sex as not only a personal issue, but a socially-constructed issue as well.... czytaj dalej

Drunk the Night Before
M. Roth Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This invigorating work traces the cultural history of convivial drinking before the concept of addiction overshadowed intoxication's reputation as a creative, philosophical, and spiritual force. Marty Roth's... czytaj dalej

Anglican Difficulties
E. Norman Wydawnictwo: inne

Unfashionably, Norman writes extensively in Anglican Difficulties about authority, the deposit of faith, and tradition. God, he argues, provided a structured order in human relationships in order to coerce... czytaj dalej

God's New Man John Paul II's Leacy & the Election of the New
Collins Wydawnictwo: inne

The dramatic events leading up to the appearance of white smoke over the Vatican and the public declaration from the balcony of St Peters- Habemus Papam- has been the most remarkable yet in the election of... czytaj dalej

One Voice Pacifist Writings form the Second World War Humili
H. Brittain Wydawnictwo: inne

In this book are contained two short books by the best selling author Vera Brittain - Seeds of Chaos and Humiliation with Honour. For this new edition there is an introduction by Aleksandra Bennett of McMaster... czytaj dalej

Statistics for the Social Sciences
R. Sirkin Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Do your students lack confidence in their ability to handle quantitative work? Are they unsure about how best to use SAS, SPSS, and Excel programs? The new edition of the bestselling textbook "Statistics... czytaj dalej