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Archytas of Tarentum
Huffman Wydawnictwo: brak danych

Archytas of Tarentum is one of the three most important philosophers in the Pythagorean tradition, a prominent mathematician, who gave the first solution to the famous problem of doubling the cube, an important... czytaj dalej

Developmental Psychology
J. Cavanaugh Wydawnictwo: angielskie

The text that you've known for accuracy, quality, and scholarship has been reborn into a new student-focused edition, featuring new pedagogy, a dynamic new design, and new student-oriented features.The Fifth... czytaj dalej

Reigns of Terror
P. Marchak Wydawnictwo:

"Reigns of Terror" is a study of states that have committed gross human rights crimes against their own citizens. Patricia Marchak seeks to discover whether these states have anything in common -... czytaj dalej

Women in Zones of Conflict
Jacoby Wydawnictwo:

Tami Amanda Jacoby investigates the constraints and opportunities for women's civic engagements in zones of conflict through a case study of three women's political movements in Israel: Women in Green, The... czytaj dalej

Stalinism & Nazism
H. Rousso Wydawnictwo: angielskie

In this volume Europe's leading modern historians offer new insights into two totalitarian regimes of the twentieth century that have profoundly affected world history -- Nazi Germany and the Stalinist Soviet... czytaj dalej

Living a Year of Kaddish
A. Goldman Wydawnictwo: angielskie

The day after Ari Goldman celebrated his 50th birthday his father died of a heart attack, and Goldman began the ritual year of mourning required by Jewish law. This is a deeply affecting journey through grief... czytaj dalej

In the Beginning Was the Ghetto a Journal of 890 Days in the
O. Rosenfeld Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This book is an edited, slightly reordered edition of the notebooks compiled by Oskar Rosenfeld during his period of service in the Statistical Office of the Lodz Ghetto (1942-44) prior to his murder at Auschwitz.... czytaj dalej

Mother Teresa Life of Dedication
R. Rai Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Beatified by Pope John Paul II only six years after her death, Mother Teresa (1910-1997) continues to inspire people the world over through her personal example of unending faith and compassion. She founded... czytaj dalej

Developing Innovation Systems
M. Cimoli Wydawnictwo: inne

Mexico provides a case study of a cornerstone economy in the development of the hemospheric free trade zone in the Americas, an adjusting economy which has been integrated into uneven economies (Canada and... czytaj dalej

Roots of War & Terror
Stevens Wydawnictwo: inne

In 'The Roots of War and Terror', Anthony Stevens provides profound insights into the nature and origins of armed conflict. Combining the concepts of the archetype and the collective unconscious (Jungian) with... czytaj dalej