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New Directions in Social Theory
Reed Wydawnictwo: angielskie

`This book contributes to the growing debates about social theory and its role through a discussion of the ways in which gender and race contributed to the exclusion of important thinkers from the sociological... czytaj dalej

SAGE Handbook of Evaluation
A. Shaw Wydawnictwo: angielskie

"The SAGE Handbook of Evaluation" is a unique and authoritative resource consisting of twenty five chapters covering a range of evaluation theories and techniques in a single, accessible volume. With... czytaj dalej

Diaspora & Hybridity
V. Kalra Wydawnictwo: angielskie

'Diaspora Hybridity deals with those theoretical issues which concern social theory and social change in the new millennium. The volume provides a refreshing, critical and illuminating analysis of concepts... czytaj dalej

World Religions & Democracy
Diamond Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Can religion be compatible with liberal democracy? World Religions and Democracy brings together insights from renowned scholars and world leaders in a provocative and timely discussion of religions' role in... czytaj dalej

Nation & History
Brock Wydawnictwo: angielskie

The important scholarly achievements of Polish historians remain largely unknown outside Poland. In Nation and History, editors Peter Brock, John Stanley, and Piotr J. Wrobel have brought together twenty-four... czytaj dalej

Encyclopedia of Sex
R. Westheimer Wydawnictwo: inne

Featuring over 250 alphabetically arranged entries, this reference text has been updated for its second edition to provide all the sexual knowledge anyone needs to be sexually literate. It addresses every aspect... czytaj dalej

Calvin An Introduction to His Thought
Parker Wydawnictwo: inne

John Calvin's (1509-64) influence reaches from the Reformation to Karl Barth and beyond. Outstanding as biblical scholar, preacher and practical Church reformer, Calvin intended all his work to serve the Word... czytaj dalej

Emotional & Behavioural Difficulties
Howarth Wydawnictwo: inne

Children with emotional and behavioural difficulties can be some of the most difficult for teachers to manage. Containing advice on such key areas as managing the classroom, involving parents, and developing... czytaj dalej

Volunteering as Leisure
R. Stebbins Wydawnictwo: brak danych

Volunteerism is a topic of increasing importance in this age of budget cuts and declining employment. There are both social and economic benefits of volunteering. As we are becoming more reliant on volunteers... czytaj dalej

Beyond the Roots
Krajka Wydawnictwo: brak danych

This volume includes a collection of nineteen papers covering Conrad's writing career, beginning with "Almayer's Folly" (1889) and concluding with "The Rescue" (1920). Written by scholars... czytaj dalej