Książki - nowości - Socjologia, filozofia

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Poglądy filozoficzne Maurycego Straszewskiego
Artur Piotrowicz Wydawnictwo: Wydawnictwo Adam Marszałek

Niniejsza rozprawa jest prezentacją poglądów filozoficznych Maurycego Straszewskiego, co też nakreśliło główny przedmiot pracy, wyrażający się w pytaniu: jakie były poglądy filozoficzne tego myśliciela? W szczególności... czytaj dalej

Mother Teresa
G. Alpion Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Mother Teresa was one of the most written about and publicised women in modern times. Apart from Pope John Paul II, she was arguably the most advertised religious celebrity in the last quarter of the twentieth... czytaj dalej

Cambridge History of Iran Complete 8 vols
H. Bailey Wydawnictwo: brak danych

The Cambridge History of Iran is a multi-volume survey of Iranian history and culture, and its contribution to the civilization of the world. All aspects of the religious, philosophical, political, economic... czytaj dalej

Prescribing Under Pressure
T. Stivers Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Antibiotics will soon no longer be able to cure common illnesses such as strep throat, sinusitis and middle ear infections as they have done for the last 60 years. Antibiotic-resistant bacteria are increasing... czytaj dalej

Rules of Wealth
Templar Wydawnictwo: angielskie

"an indispensable guide to the nature of money and personal finance" - The TimesMoney - it makes the world go round. We all secretly believe that it can make us happy.  After all, wouldn't it be great... czytaj dalej

Portrait of America v 2
Oates Wydawnictwo: angielskie

A secondary source reader, this book contains essays written by historians, many by the leading historian(s) on a particular subject. The collection has a loosely biographical focus and stresses the human side... czytaj dalej

K. Marciniak Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This work is a timely and critical understanding of transnational culture. "Alien" has a double meaning in the United States, suggesting both "foreigner" and "extraterrestrial creature... czytaj dalej

World Civilizations v 1
Peter Stearns Wydawnictwo: angielskie

The primary goal of World Civilizations- The Global Experience, Third Edition is to present a truly global history--one that both discusses the development of the world's leading civilizations and also emphasizes... czytaj dalej

Black Families
H. McAdoo Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Following the success of its best-selling predecessors, this fourth edition includes updated versions of earlier chapters and many entirely new chapters. ... czytaj dalej

Why I, Too, Am Not a Conservative
James Buchanan Wydawnictwo: brak danych

Nobel Laureate James Buchanan collects in this volume original and recent hard-to-find essays exploring liberalism and conservatism as distinct ways of looking at and thinking about the realm of human interaction... czytaj dalej