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Political Agenda of Education
K. Kumar Wydawnictwo: angielskie

In this revised edition, the author sharpens the focus and range of the original, arguing as his main thesis that colonialist and nationalist ideas and practices in education in India are not antagonistic.... czytaj dalej

Grassroots NGOs by Women for Women
F. Handy Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Based on empirical evidence from first-hand interactions with 20 Indian women founders of NGOs, this book presents a theoretical understanding of the role and impact of NGOs in women's development. "Grassroots... czytaj dalej

Postwar American Critical Thought
P. Beilharz Wydawnictwo: angielskie

The United States has some claim to have risen to a position of intellectual dominance in the social sciences in the post-war years. American social scientists are key players in international conferences... czytaj dalej

Minding the Spirit
E. Dreyer Wydawnictwo: angielskie

The birth of an academic discipline is a rare event. Even more extraordinary is academia's acknowledgment that spirituality has scholarly as well as personal dimensions. Inquiry and dialogue are the essence... czytaj dalej

Fifty Jewish Women Who Changed The World
D. Rosen Wydawnictwo: inne

Molly Picon, beloved star of the Yiddish Theater, Broadway, and Hollywood, blazed a trail for women in the entertainment industry.- Gertrude Stein not only declared "rose is a rose is a rose is a rose... czytaj dalej

Profound & Multiple Learning Difficulties
Cartwright Wydawnictwo: inne

This invaluable guide provides teachers and trainees with practical tips for teaching children with profound and multiple learning difficulties. Well-written and informative, the authors' specialist knowledge... czytaj dalej

Get the Ego Advantage
A. Sen Wydawnictwo: angielskie

The author of this extremely interesting book helps us to understand our reactions and feelings in the constant interplay of ego in our personal and professional lives. He has likened the ego to a suit, which... czytaj dalej

Four Years Old in And Urban Community
Newson Wydawnictwo: angielskie

John and Elizabeth Newson investigate the upbringing of seven hundred Nottingham children as they reach the age of four. Parents are interviewed in their homes with a realistic yet human approach and the minimum... czytaj dalej

Encyclopedia of American Civil Liberties & Rights 3 vols
O. Stephens Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Spanning three volumes, this comprehensive encyclopedia covers the full range of civil rights and liberties in America from the antecedents of the Bill of Rights to the most recent controversies over political... czytaj dalej

Women and Men 4e
N. Bonvillain Wydawnictwo: angielskie

A cross-cultural study of gender roles and relationships, Women and Men: Cultural Constructs of Gender, 4/e has a cross-cultural emphasis with coverage of a wide range of ethnographic and historical data on... czytaj dalej