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Revised Edition. For many people, Ernesto Che Guevara symbolises the movement for social change that swept the world in the 1960s--a man who gave his life for his ideals. In this astute study of Che Guevara's... czytaj dalej
A narrative of how libraries functioned as an important cultural life line for East European Jews during the years before World War II and beyond. Shavit narrates the stories of Jewish youth and families whose... czytaj dalej
As a form of power, subjection is paradoxical. To be dominated by a power external to oneself is a familiar and agonizing form power takes. To find, however, that what one is, one's very formation as a subject... czytaj dalej
This account of the Last Supper traces the emotions and personalities of this event through the perspective eyes and hearts of both Martha and Mary. Told from the perspective of these two contrasting personalities... czytaj dalej
Until recently, most civil society organizations (CSOs) operated at national or local levels. However, new global organizations and networks are increasingly emerging. This book examines what CSOs can achieve... czytaj dalej
The World Trade Organization (WTO) Agreement on TradeRelated Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS) to a large extent incorporates and/or supersedes all previous international conventions on intellectual... czytaj dalej
This is the never-before-told story of the organized efforts by Polish-Americans to further the humanitarian needs and political independence aspirations of the people of Poland. From the mid-1800s to today... czytaj dalej
This three-volume collection focuses on writings by and about cross-dressing women from the early nineteenth century up until the beginning of World War II. In so doing, it provides a new perspective on one... czytaj dalej
This collection of essays covers the media and public debate dimension of the events of 9/11 and beyond, from the point of view of Middle Eastern and Asian countries. The first part of the book deals with the... czytaj dalej
President Bush has made it clear that we are engaged in a war against terrorism. But for Usama bin Laden and his followers this is religious war, a war for Islam against infidels, especially the United States... czytaj dalej