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Joseph, an Asian African from Tanzania, brings a personal insight to the question of how citizenship is expressed--particularly the nomadic, conditional citizenship related to histories of migrancy and the... czytaj dalej
Television is often cited as a cause of violent crime or behaviour. Usually, this connection is made in the context of the behaviour of young people - as another way of blaming them for the broader ills of... czytaj dalej
- udział kultury w konstrukcji świata "realizmu naturalnego"- racjonalność decyzji a badanie kultury- językowe formowanie świata- o wymykaniu się uniwersaliom... czytaj dalej
Autor ukazał sytuację społeczną, polityczną i gospodarczą III Rzeczpospolitej, spowodowaną działaniami ekip postkomunistów i liberałów, rządzących Polską w latach 1989-2005, które doprowadziły do tego... czytaj dalej
Jews have both benefitted and suffered from the fraying of traditional loyalties that has come to characterize modern American culture. In each of the five chapters, Arnold M. Eisen examines a major issue or... czytaj dalej
This powerful and moving book tells for the first time the history of the children who lived and died in the shadow of the Holocaust. Drawing on oral histories, archival records, letters and diaries, Dwork... czytaj dalej
This book is aimed at health professionals treating children who fail to develop adequate speech due to complex neurological conditions or learning disabilities and may require augmentative and alternative... czytaj dalej
Pacific Asia is the fastest growing region in the world, and its very large cities - world cities - have been playing an important part in spearheading economic growth and social and cultural transformation... czytaj dalej
Historians have generally come to accept the idea of a 'long eighteenth century,' one thatextended from circa 1660 to 1830. In The Global Eighteenth Century, editor Felicity Nussbaum and the contributing authors... czytaj dalej
This book analyzes how indigenous political power structures in Nigeria survived both the constricting forces of colonialism and the modernization programs of postcolonial regimes. With twenty detailed case... czytaj dalej