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Strange Ecounters Embodied Others In Post-Coloniality
S. Ahmed Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Examining the relationship between strangers, embodiment and community, Strange Encounters challenges the assumptions that the stranger is simply anybody we do not recognize and instead proposes that he or... czytaj dalej

Stars Down to Earth
Adorno Wydawnictwo: angielskie

The Stars Down to Earth shows us a stunningly prescient Adorno. Haunted by the ugly side of American culture industries he used the different angles provided by each of these three essays to showcase the dangers... czytaj dalej

Origins of the American Israeli Alliance
Ben Zvi Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This book demonstrates that the origins of the US-Israeli alliance lay in the former's concern over Egyptian influence in Jordan, contrasting with the widely-held view of the significance of the Six Day War... czytaj dalej

US Foreign Policy and the War on Drugs
Friesendorf Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This is the first academic study to examine the side effects of US policy on the global drugs industry, such as the displacement of cocaine and heroin production. To reduce the supply of illicit cocaine and... czytaj dalej

Conjuring Hitler
G. Giacomo Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Nazism is usually depicted as the outcome of political blunders and unique economic factors: we are told that it could not be prevented, and that it will never be repeated. In this explosive book, Guido Giacomo... czytaj dalej

Great Customer Connections
Richard Gallagher Wydawnictwo: inne

Good customer service might seem like a matter of attitude, but with a little knowledge of basic behavioral psychology, any service rep or team can dramatically improve service quality. Great Customer Connections... czytaj dalej

Global Security Governance
E. Kirchner Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This book provides a detailed analysis of the security policies of all of the great powers and medium powers in the G8 and 1 (USA, China, Russia, UK, France, Germany, Canada, Japan, Italy). Emil Kirchner and... czytaj dalej

TROY #02 Shield of Thunder
D. Gemmell Wydawnictwo: angielskie

The war of Troy is looming, and all the kings of the Great Green are gathering, friends and enemies, each with their own dark plans of conquest and plunder. Into this maelstrom of treachery and deceit come... czytaj dalej

Psychology & You
Berryman Wydawnictwo: brak danych

The new edition of this best-selling text continues to provide a general, wide-ranging introduction to psychology which is unique in the way that it explains psychological concepts in relation to people's behaviour... czytaj dalej

Kennedy Tapes
P. Zelikow Wydawnictwo: angielskie

The events of the Cuban Missile Crisis unfolded in the actual words of President John F. Kennedy and his top advisers. Now available in a new, concise edition, this book retains its gripping sense of history in the making. ... czytaj dalej