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Invention of Cuneiform
J. Glassner Wydawnictwo: angielskie

As the first known system of writing, the cuneiform symbols traced in Sumerian clay more than six millennia ago were once regarded as a simplistic and clumsy attempt to record in linear form the sounds of a... czytaj dalej

D. Nelson Wydawnictwo: brak danych

Humans automatically categorize others in social perception. Some categorizations ­ race, gender, and age -- are so automatic that they are termed "primitive categories." As we categorize, we develop... czytaj dalej

Social Research Methods
N. Walliman Wydawnictwo: angielskie

SAGE Course Companions are an exciting new series from Sage offering students an insider's guide into how to make the most of their undergraduate courses and extend their understanding of key concepts covered... czytaj dalej

What Is Genocide
M. Shaw Wydawnictwo: brak danych

In this intellectually and politically potent new book, Martin Shaw proposes a way through the confusion surrounding the idea of genocide. He considers the origins and development of the concept and its relationships... czytaj dalej

Practicing Culture
C. Calhoun Wydawnictwo: angielskie

"Practicing Culture" seeks to revitalize the field of cultural sociology with an emphasis not on abstract theoretical debates but on showing how to put theoretical sources to work in empirical research... czytaj dalej

European Labour Law 10e
R. Blanpain Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This book deals with European labour law and industrial relations. It covers legislation concerning relations between employers and employees, collective agreements and the case law of the Court of Justice... czytaj dalej

Morphology of the Folktale
Propp Wydawnictwo: angielskie

The morphology presented by the author is, of course, a morphology of the fairy tale specifically, and he is careful to make note of this fact in the Foreword and in Chapter II. ... czytaj dalej

Enlightenment Cyborg
A. Muri Wydawnictwo: angielskie

For many cultural theorists, the concept of the cyborg - an organism controlled by mechanic processes - is firmly rooted in the post-modern, post-industrial, post-Enlightenment, post-nature, post-gender, or... czytaj dalej

Social Stratification 5 vols
Inglis Wydawnictwo: angielskie

The study of social cohesion and solidarity, and their antitheses, social fragmentation and dissension, are central components of sociology. From the very beginnings of sociology right through to the present... czytaj dalej

Social & Gender Analysis in Natural Resource Management
R. Vernooy Wydawnictwo: angielskie

"Social and Gender Analysis in Natural Resource Management" presents encounters with rural men and women in South Asian and Southeast Asian countries working for local and national governments and... czytaj dalej