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First Look at Communication Theory
Griffin Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This best selling text analyzes the major communication theories at a level appropriate for both lower and upper level courses. The material is presented in a coherent manner and strikes a balance between humanistic... czytaj dalej

History of the World
J.A.S. Grenville Wydawnictwo: angielskie

A follow on from successful publication The History of the World in the 20th Century, this edition has been thoroughly updated and includes discussions on 9/11 and the second Gulf War and takes into account... czytaj dalej

Legal Aspects of Gene Technology
Cain Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This is the first work to examine in-depth the interface between the development of gene technology and the law. It provides practitioners with up-to-date guidance on all aspects of this rapidly evolving subject... czytaj dalej

Second Bill of Rights
C. Sunstein Wydawnictwo: inne

This book offers a bold resurrection of Franklin D. Roosevelt's forgotten call for economic justice for all citizens. In 1944, Franklin D Roosevelt gave a State of the Union Address that was arguably the greatest... czytaj dalej

Scribner Encyclopedia of American Lives 2 vols
O'Neill Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This volume includes approximately 600 biographies of Americans, both living and deceased - from artists and writers to politicians and criminals - who flourished during the 1960s. ... czytaj dalej

New Legal Framework for E-commerce in Europe
Edwards Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This collection of essays by well known specialists drawn from academe and practice in e-commerce and Internet law, analyses recent crucial European legislation which attempts to set up a legal regime for e-commerce... czytaj dalej

Nutshell Family Law
T. Wragg Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Nutshells are a series of books designed to present the essentials of law in clear, straightforward language. For more than 30 years, generations of students have regarded Nutshells as the ideal means of revising their subjects. ... czytaj dalej

Osler Guide to Commercial Arbitration in Canada
B. Barin Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Osler is internationally known as one of Canada's leading corporate/commercial law firms. In this incomparable guide for practitioners, three experienced Osler lawyers - one each in Ontario, Quebec, and Alberta... czytaj dalej

Global Patent Litigation
W. Hoyng Wydawnictwo: angielskie

"Global Patent Litigation" is a brand new looseleaf, which aims to fulfill the increasing need for quality information on the strategy and practical aspects of patent litigation in the major trading... czytaj dalej

Myślenie według wartości o kształceniu akademickim i sytuacjach społecznych
Stasiak Makary K. Wydawnictwo: brak danych

"Niniejsza książka jest zbiorem artykułów, które nie mieściły się w moich głównych pracach. Są to drobiazgi, w których notowałem swoje spostrzeżenia na temat problemów codzienności w ciągu ostatnich dziesięciu... czytaj dalej