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Secession: International Law Perspectives
Kohen Wydawnictwo: brak danych

The end of the Cold War brought about new secessionist aspirations and the strengthening and re-awakening of existing or dormant separatist claims everywhere. The creation of a new independent entity through... czytaj dalej

Discovering the Twentieth Century World
Wiesner Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Discovering the Twentieth-Century Worldguides students through the process of historical inquiry and exploration. The text features thirteen chapters devoted to such topics as:Modern Art The World Wars The... czytaj dalej

Globalization & War
Barkawi Wydawnictwo: angielskie

War doesn't just tear nations apart - it brings peoples and places closer together, providing a new lens on globalization. This book offers a fresh perspective on globalization and war, topics rarely considered... czytaj dalej

Handbook of Ethical Research with Ethnocultural Populations
J. Trimble Wydawnictwo: angielskie

What steps can be taken to incorporate a cultural perspective to the evaluation of research risks and benefits? How can investigators develop and implement respectful informed consent procedures in diverse... czytaj dalej

Colonization & Community
C. Belshaw Wydawnictwo:

In Colonization and Community John Belshaw takes a new look at British Columbia's first working class: the men, women, and children beneath and beyond the pit-head. Beginning with an exploration of emigrant... czytaj dalej

Mind Has Mountains
P. McHugh Wydawnictwo: angielskie

From his strenuous opposition to physician-assisted suicide to his conviction that sex-correction surgery for newborns is cruel and misguided, Dr. Paul R. McHugh's opinions are strong and often controversial... czytaj dalej

Theorizing Historical Consciousness
P. Seixas Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Our understanding of the past, or 'historical consciousness,' shapes our sense of the present and the future. But while both academic history and public history are thriving enterprises, there has been little... czytaj dalej

Definitive Journals of Lewis & Clark 2-8 vols
G. Moulton Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Since the time of Columbus, explorers dreamed of a water passage across the North American continent. President Thomas Jefferson shared this dream. He conceived the Corps of Discovery to travel up the Missouri... czytaj dalej

Asian American Women
L. Trinh Vo Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Asian American Women brings together landmark scholarship about Asian American women that has appeared in Frontiers: A Journal of Women Studies over the last twenty-five years. The essays, written by established... czytaj dalej

Roots of War and Terror
A. Stevens Wydawnictwo: inne

In The Roots of War and Terror, psychiatrist Anthony Stevens provides insights into the nature and origins of armed conflict, locating the problem primarily in the psychology and anatomy of the human male.... czytaj dalej