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Neonationalist Voices in Jordan
Anderson Wydawnictwo: angielskie

According to conventional wisdom, the national identity of the Jordanian state was defined by the ruling Hashemite family, which has governed the country since the 1920s. But this view overlooks the significant... czytaj dalej

Gray Zones
Jonathan Petropoulos Wydawnictwo: inne

Few essays about the Holocaust are better known or more important than Primo Levi's reflections on what he called "the gray zone," a reality in which moral ambiguity and compromise were pronounced... czytaj dalej

Freud Encyclopedia
E. Erwin Wydawnictwo: angielskie

The first in-depth encyclopedia on the life, work, and theories of Sigmund Freud, this A-Z reference includes the most recent debates on such topics as the theory of dreams and the Oedipus complex, as well... czytaj dalej

UK Election Law
Watt Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This book contains a critical analysis of the law and politics governing the conduct of statutory elections in the United Kingdom.  The author argues that elections have now become a marketplace for 'buying'... czytaj dalej

Regulating Social Europe
A. Lo Faro Wydawnictwo: angielskie

A large part of the legal debate about social integration has been focused on social dialogue, and in particular on the role of European collective arguments, as formerly regulated by the Maastricht Agreement... czytaj dalej

Joseph Fitzmyer Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Commentaries on Early Jewish Literature is a new series in English dealing with early Jewish literature between the third century BC and the middle of the second century AD; it is scheduled to encompass a total... czytaj dalej

Mężczyźni na przełęczy życia
Chmura-Rutkowska I. Ostrouch J. Wydawnictwo: Oficyna Wydawnicza Impuls

Książka jest autorską próbą analizy i interpretacji doświadczeń współczesnych mężczyzn w wieku od 35 do 40 lat oraz sensów i znaczeń, jakie nadają oni poszczególnym sferom własnego życia i otaczającej rzeczywistości... czytaj dalej

Is It Time to Reform Social Security
E. Gramlich Wydawnictwo: angielskie

The chair of the recent Social Security Advisory Council explains and shares his views on Social Security reform... czytaj dalej

On the Verge of Convergence
Henryk Domański Wydawnictwo: brak danych

Based upon comparative surveys and newly obtained data, Domanski's book provides a major contribution to the study of social transformation in Central and Eastern Europe after 1989. Focusing on Bulgaria, the... czytaj dalej

Nomadic Empires
Chaliand Wydawnictwo: angielskie

An exploration of 2000 years of military history and geopolitics. The Mongol Empire of Genghis-Khan and his heirs, as is well-known, was the greatest empire in world history. From the fifth century BC to the... czytaj dalej