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How independent are different cognitive skills during development? Is the modularity seen in the studies of adult neuropsychology disorders mirrored by modularity in development? Are developmental neuropsychological... czytaj dalej
"The autobiography of the internationally famous biographer and dramatist is a chronicle of three ages: the golden days of Vienna that ended with Word War I; that war and its aftermath; and the Hitler... czytaj dalej
For one-quarter/semester or two semester Introductory Sociology courses. This text shows students that sociology is relevant to their daily lives. Sociology, Eleventh Edition has a new groundbreaking design... czytaj dalej
This work is the definitive guide to the European Patent Convention; the new English translation of the 2nd German edition will be welcomed by patent lawyers worldwide. Based upon Dr Singer's intimate involvement... czytaj dalej
No lawyer involved in international transactions can afford to ignore this authoritative guide to planning and drafting international arbitration agreements and forum selection clauses. It includes clear, practical... czytaj dalej
Tom "Polesie" zawiera wydobyte ze spuścizny archiwalnej uczonego wszystkie studia poświęcone temu krajowi: artykuły z 1936 roku rozszerzone o nie drukowane dotychczas fragmenty, dwie monografie "Polesie... czytaj dalej
Kolejna część wielkiej sagi Żydów zamieszkujących miasteczka dawnego Wielkiego Księstwa Litewskiego. Opowieść Kanowicza dobiega getta wileńskiego i tragedii zagłady, czasu, kiedy `niebo zamyka się nad nimi... czytaj dalej
Oxford English Law is the essential first point of reference on English law for lawyers in the UK and throughout the world. This pack makes English Private Law and English Public Law available together as a... czytaj dalej
This book seeks to comprehend the evolving nature of the European Union following the fall of the Berlin Wall and the failure of the European Constitution. Its prime focus is the last wave of enlargement that... czytaj dalej
This is a fascinating new insight into the British army and its evolution through both large and small scale conflicts. To prepare for future wars, armies derive lessons from past wars. However, some armies... czytaj dalej