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Teologia filozoficzna
Joseph Schmidt Wydawnictwo: inne

"(...) Pytanie o Boga od starożytności należy do wielkich obszarów systemowo ujmowanej tematyki filozoficznej. Bynajmniej nie wprowadza w nią jakiejś problematyki, która by była filozofii obca. Przeciwnie:... czytaj dalej

Judgment Without Trial
T. Kashima Wydawnictwo: angielskie

"Judgment without Trial" reveals that long before the 1941 attack on Pearl Harbor, the US government began making plans for the eventual internment and later incarceration of the Japanese American... czytaj dalej

Ecotourism in Scandinavia
Gossling Wydawnictwo: brak danych

Interest in ecotourism in Scandinavia has seen recent growth. Extended forests, rivers, and lakes allow for a great variety of nature-based activities, such as hiking, mushroom collecting, kayaking, snow mobiling... czytaj dalej

On Translation
P. Ricoeur Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Paul Ricoeur was one of the most important philosophers of the twentieth century. In this short and accessible book, he turns to a topic at the heart of much of his work: What is translation and why is it so... czytaj dalej

Understanding International Conflicts
J. Nye Wydawnictwo: inne

This highly readable book by renowned scholar and author Joseph Nye balances history and theory to give students of international politics a framework for analyzing the past and using it to understand the issues... czytaj dalej

Teologia systematyczna t.1
Tillich Wydawnictwo: inne

Autor stworzył system teologii filozoficznej oparty na tzw. metodzie korelacji: Filozofia stawia problemy ontologiczne opierając się na analizie egzystencjalnej sytuacji człowieka, natomiast teologia udziela... czytaj dalej

Philosophy, Feminism, Faith
R. Groenhout Wydawnictwo: angielskie

How can the seemingly separate lives of philosopher, feminist, and follower of a religious tradition come together in one person's life? How does religious commitment affect philosophy or feminism? How does... czytaj dalej

In Shadow of Nelson Naval Leadership of Admiral Sir Charles
Krajeski Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Sir Charles Cotton served in the Royal Navy from 1772 to 1812. Unfortunately timing precluded his presence at Trafalgar, but he participated in other pivotal battles, including The Saintes and "The Glorious... czytaj dalej

Political Chronology of Europe
W. Shyy Wydawnictwo: brak danych

Chronologies of each of the countries of Europe which profile the major political events in history * Individual country chapters of each of the countries of the region * Each chronology provides concise details... czytaj dalej

Selling of Free Trade
J. MacArthur Wydawnictwo: angielskie

"The Selling of 'Free Trade'" shows how Washington works to accomplish political or economic goals, even when confronted with widespread popular opposition. John R. MacArthur chronicles the brutal... czytaj dalej